

Celebration of Work and Activities

Our children's work during home learning and other activities can be viewed here:


These curriculum sites are regularly updated.  During this time they may be offline.  If this is the case please return again. 


Organisation & Key Person

Our school has an up to 60 place nursery in which we prepare our children for their primary years.

Our maintained nursery is run from the main classroom and outdoor learning space, led-on a day to day basis by Mrs Peters (QTS), our Nursery Manager.

Our additional nursery room is run (under extended services) from an additional room in school and additional outdoor learning space.  It is run by Mrs McElroy (NNEB) under the supervision of Mrs Peters, our Nursery Manager, 

We offer 15 hour and 30 hour provision, and this is planned meticulously so that all children get the most effective learning opportunities from being in school.

We also liaise closely with a private provider on our school site that supports us in providing additional through day care.

If you are considering sending your child to our nursery then please contact the school office for a visit.

Please look here for our up to date Phase 1 - Foundation Stage Parent Handbook.

Who is your child's Key Person?

In nursery provisions, your child has an identified key person.  The groups for each key person are displayed in the setting.  If you would like to speak with your child's key worker please ask one of the staff.

For all nursery children Mrs Peters oversees the curriculum and you can talk to her about your child, or you can also talk to one of the room leaders.

The role of the key person is described here: Your child's key person | PACEY


Our Nursery Curriculumnursery page

We will be planning lots of exciting activities during the year.

Year Group Lion Knowledge Boards

Subject Leaders with staff have developed Year Group 'Lion Knowledge Boards'.  These drive the curriculum planning for each teacher, explicitly providing the core 'Knowledge of: Vocabulary, People, Places and Events, Concepts and Procedures'.  These Knowledge Boards are linked here: Knowledge Boards

Year Group Curriculum Planning

Each Year Group takes the Thematics, Knowledge Boards and Subject Accountability for EYFS Curriculum to develop a well co-ordinated, sequenced curriculum for the classroom.  The Year Group Curriculum Planning can be viewed in our Google Drive here:  Nursery Curriculum Folder

Subject Specific Accountability to Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum

Our teaching is based on the requirements of the EYFS Statutory Requirments as outlined below:

The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum is based around seven areas of learning and development which are equally important and interconnected.  There are three prime areas which underpin the others igniting children's curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, developing their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive.

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, social and Emotional

These areas are strengthened and applied in four specific areas;

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

The EYFS (Phase 1) comply with the statutory requirements, including the welfare requirments, which can be found here:EYFS Statutory Requirements

We follow the Liverpool Diocese Syllabus for Religious Education.

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