
Scroll down for: App parental guides, online safety, how to report an issue.


Online Learning Content

We offer our 'shadow curriculum' via our Google Classroom for pupils as a support to our normal curriculum.  This is for pupils in school and at home.  Where specifically agreed this may support those with long term medical needs who may be absent for short periods or those undertaking catch up support.

Our remote learning offer during lockdowns can be viewed REMOTE LEARNING OFFER (DfE Template)


Year 3 to Year 6 - A chromebook has been allocated to every child whilst they are in school.  If a parent wishes to loan this device to be used at home as well as in school they can pay a non-returnable deposit of £30.  This loan scheme is the same for those with free School Meals and non-Free School Meals.  If parents are experienceing significant hardship please contact the school via Live Chat so we can secure a way of your child getting online through a range of devices/peripherals (e.g. in some cases we will attempt to provide wirless keyboards where Xbox or PS4 is their most suitable method of access).

To request and pay for the loan of a chromebook you will need to return the form at the bottom of our letter below:


You will be sent a SumUp Invoice.  The loan agreement is attached to the invoice.  Making the payment will mean you agree with the agreement.   

If you have a significant financial hardship preventing you from doing this please contact the Live Chat and we can discuss other options.  

Registering a Request for a Device

To register your request to receive a laptop in one of these schemes please complete the web form:


Internet access - from our research last year it appears that all children have access to the internet.  If this is not the case please contact the school office via Live Chat.

Nursery to Year 2 - No devices are allocated on an indvidual pupil basis in school and therefore we do not have the same number of devices to run a loan scheme for these age groups.  We will try and support as many families regarding getting online and using different devices.  Our commitment to online learning is tremendous and would appreciate you doing all you can for all children to get online.

Provision of Laptops/Deviceschromebook

During the summer holidays of 2020 we have been escalating our ability to deploy devices to children both in school and into homes.  We have a significant number of devices and operate 2 schemes:

  1. Social Worker – those children with an allocated social worker will be loaned at no cost a laptop via the DfE/local authority scheme for the year.
  2. Universal Loan Scheme for All – a loan scheme with a £30 non-returnable annual deposit that the parents of all children can access.  Please see website for information on how this scheme works, an online form and payment instructions.

Details of the Loan Scheme:

1. Social Worker Scheme

This applies only to those who have a named allocated social worker.  The laptop is provided by the DfE, via WBC, and owned by the school.  You may be required to return the laptop on ceasing being a pupil at the school or for maintenance.

The agreement you will be required to sign is here:  SOCIAL WORKER LAPTOP AGREEMENT

2. Universal Loan Scheme for All

This is a loan scheme run by the school.  We are loaning chromebooks for a period of an academic year under this scheme for a non-returnable deposit of £30.

The agreement you will be required to sign is here: UNIVERSAL LOAN AGREEMENT

Payment will be made by invoice.


Promoting Positive Social Media 

Signed Up Charter I 169twitterAs a school we have taken a voluntary pledge to help make social media and the web more widely positive places for conversations to happen.

The digital landscape has changed so much in the last few years and will continue to do so as technology develops. It’s important to think about how the conversations we’re having can help change someone’s newsfeed for the better.

Could you sign the individual charter too?

What does it look like to be a Christian online? There are a number of ways we can make the digital world as loving and generous as we would when speaking face to face: 

  • Truth - we should hold ourselves to high ideals of checking that what we post online is fair and factual.
  • Kindness - we are all different and that makes the world an interesting place – and at times a challenging one. Think the best of people, whether they share our views or are speaking against them and aim to be constructive in the way we engage.
  • Welcome - in the language we use and the way we interact. It’s easy for Christians to speak in another language using words that those outside the Church might not relate to.
  • Inspiration - we are called to be witnesses of our faith and to use social media in a way that genuinely engages others.
  • Togetherness - we are one Church and other members of this Church are our brothers and sisters in Christ. It is crucial we treat those around us in this way.
  • Safeguarding - if you have any concerns about the wellbeing of children, young people and vulnerable adults, please the school or LA.
  • Agree to the Church’s and Archbishops’ social media guidelines.

More information here:


Internet Safe Filtering & Monitoring

Filtering: The school has a system provided by the local authority called Fortinet.  This will block all traffic that comes through the school's network, including the school's wireless, that is classified according to an international classification system as inapproriate.  This includes classifications in multi-languages and images, covering a range of material including extremism. 

A copy of Fortinet's compliance with UK Safer Internet Centre is available here: FORTINET FILTERING COMPLIANCE

Monitoring: The school monitors internet access by:

- receiving a report on the most blocked websites from school network at least annually, sharing this with WBC ICT to assess the greatest risks/concerns (last review 27/09/16)

- training children to report (Kidsafe programme and E-Safety) and responding to all reports of inapproriate content, informing the LA as necesary (nothing was reportable for last 4 years).

-random reviewing of internet browsing histories


E-Safety and Cyberbullying

It is our collective responsibility to ensure that children are as safe as possible online, to know what is acceptable page zipblockflagbehaviour online and how to respond to experiences that are not safe or appropriate.

E-safety applies to all forms of electronic information and lots of different types of devices including computers, tablets, mobile phones, gaming devices and game consoles.

It also applies to all forms of electronic communication from websites and online forums to games contacts and texting, photo sharing and social media.

In the Spring Term we held an E-Safety Enrichment Day followed by a Parents Information Evening led by a Police School Liaison Officer.

St Margaret's 5 Top Tips to Online Safety

‘Online Safety Top Tips’ are provided in a leaflet at parents evening every half-term and distributed to parents electronically. However St Margaret's top 5 tips are as follows:

1. Produce a ‘Home Agreement’

It’s useful to agree on some ground rules together.
When producing a ‘Home Agreement’ you might want to consider some of the following:

General Online Safety Rules

How much time per night they are allowed on technology/the internet.
The age rating of websites they are allowed to visit.
Sharing and/or distributing personal details, images and videos.
How to treat people online and not post anything they wouldn’t say face-to-face.

Game Console Online Safety Rules

Check the age rating before they play – if the age rating is above age 11 these games can include bad language, inappropriate content for primary age pupils etc.

Set their settings so they can only talk to their friends – private chat not game chat.

Negotiate the amount of time they spend playing online games.

2. Know who your child is talking to online

It’s important to keep track of who your child’s talking to.
Setting up your own profile on social networking sites is a good idea. You can add your child and monitor their friends, who is commenting on their posts etc.

3. Explore online together

Ask your child to show you their favourite things to do online, and show an interest in what they do – just like you would offline.

4. Check they know how to use privacy settings and reporting tools

Check the privacy settings on any online accounts your child has, like Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok and Game consoles etc
Remind them to keep their personal information private.
Talk to your child about what to do if they see content or are contacted by someone that worries or upsets them.  Make sure they know how to use tools to report abuse.

5. Use parental controls to filter, restrict, monitor or report content

Internet Service Providers (ISPs), such as Sky, Virgin or BT, provide controls to help you filter or restrict content.
Laptops, smartphones, tablets, game consoles and other devices that connect to the internet, have settings to activate parental controls.
If you are unsure how to change these filters and parental controls, go onto YouTube and type your provider in the search bar, it will come up with some easy to follow videos.

Example: “Sky Parental Controls”

Useful Guides

The help guides provided below explain how to change the security and privacy settings on a range of social networking platforms. The instructions are very easy to follow and include images to guide you where to look for the specific icons.

There is also some excellent advice about online safety on ChildNet:

Parents Guides to Up to Date Apps

Parents Guide to Mobile Phones

Parents Guide to Cyberbullying

Parents Guide to Security

Parental Guide to Facebook

Parental Guide to Instagram

 Parental Controls for Twitter

Parental Guide to Snapchat

Parental Guide to Online Gaming

XBox Parental Controls

fortniteParental Guide to Fortnite

TikTokParental Guide to Tik Tok


What to do if you experience what you think could be Cyberbullying or see Inappropriate Content?

The school's internet is filtered by the local authority's system.

In the school's ICT suite have also activated the Google SafeSearch so you should not come across content, incl. images, that are unsuitable.  If you still come across unsuitable images or content or are aware of any other pupil who has come across this please report it immediately to our Pastoral and Safeguarding Manager, or any member of the teaching staff.

If you come across any inapproriate messages being sent or received by either you or another pupil you should also report this immediately to Pastoral and Safeguarding Manager or any of the teaching staff.


Junior Safety Officers (Online Safety Officers)

The school's Junior Safety Officers are undertaking E-safety training to be Online Safety Ambassadors.  They will be leading sessions for children on how to be safe online.  This compliments the work of our staff trained as KidSafe facilitators.

How to Report an Online Issue

Throughout the academic year, students are informed of a wide range of ‘Online Safety Reporting Strategies’ during assemblies, PSHE & E-Safety lessons. Just to reiterate to parents and carers they are as follows:

- Speak to their teacher, Pastoral and Safeguarding Manager - Mrs Moore or Miss Fleming the Asst Headteacher or any other member of staff they feel comfortable telling.
- Go to one of the "Junior Safety Officers” available at lunchtime.

Click the Tootoot Anti-Cyberbullying logo on the front home page of this website to send a message to Mrs Moore.

If there is an incident that occurs during the holidays we recommend using the CEOP website. If you onto this website, on every page there is a red “Report Abuse” button. If you click this button, you can report an incident to a Child Exploitation and Online Protection officer. This system is monitored continuously.





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