

Welcome to St Margaret's school website.

St Margaret's School is a large two-form entry primary school in the heart of Orford village, in Warrington.

It was created from the long-established Christian foundation of Orford parish church, St Margaret's and All Hallows'. 

Informed through our shared school vision 'Care, Challenge and Celebrate with Christ', our school strives to give our children the very best opportunities through our school designed curriculum, our enriching environment and our christian ethos so they can grow in Body, Mind and Spirit

Over 500 children and 50 strong hard working team bring this school to life every day.

So what makes us stand out?  

- our curriculum is exceptional; as supported by our curriculum awards

- our christian ethos is extremely strong; as supported by our last inspection and Keeping on Track visit

- our school has a warm welcoming family feel to give a sense of belonging; as visitors tell us regularly

- our parents say their children are happy and safe; from our last satisfaction survey

but most importantly,

- our children say they want to come to school and it helps them to learn

If you want to know more about the work of the school, how to access the free nursery provision, the breakfast, afterschool and holiday care, or anything else about our school please don't hesitate to contact us.

Mrs Meager (Head of School) & Mr Metcalfe (Executive Headteacher)

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