
The Governing Body consulted  on its Admission Policy for 2020-2021 (which applies for up to seven years subsequently - 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024, 2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027) and was required (as were all faith schools) to request a variation from the Office of Schools Adjudicator in response to COVID. The Governing Body determines its admission policy annually for the following year by 28 February. 


Admission for September 2022

The school is required to publish the determined Admission Policy and Registration of Interest and Supplementary Application Form for academic year 2022/2023.  These are below: 

2022-2023 NURSERY - Determined Nursery Admission Policy

2022-2023 NURSERY - Determined Registration of Interest & Supplementary Admission Form

2022-2023 RECEPTION MAIN SCHOOL - Determined Main Primary School Admission Policy

2022-2023 RECEPTION MAIN SCHOOL - Determined Registration of Interest & Supplementary Admission Form


Admission for September 2023

The school is required to publish the determined Admission Policy and Registration of Interest and Supplementary Application Form for academic year 2023/2024.  The documents are unchanged from previous years and links will be updated shortly: 

2023-2024 NURSERY - Determined Nursery Admission Policy

2023-2024 NURSERY - Determined Registration of Interest & Supplementary Admission Form

2023-2024 RECEPTION MAIN SCHOOL - Determined Main Primary School Admission Policy

2023-2024 RECEPTION MAIN SCHOOL - Determined Registration of Interest & Supplementary Admission Form 


Admission for September 2024

The school is required to publish the determined Admission Policy and Registration of Interest and Supplementary Application Form for academic year 2023/2024.  The documents are unchanged from previous years and links will be updated shortly: 

2024-2025 NURSERY - Determined Nursery Admission Policy

2024-2025 NURSERY - Determined Registration of Interest & Supplementary Admission Form

2024-2025 RECEPTION MAIN SCHOOL - Determined Main Primary School Admission Policy

2024-2025 RECEPTION MAIN SCHOOL - Determined Registration of Interest & Supplementary Admission Form


Admission for September 2025

The school is required to publish the determined Admission Policy and Registration of Interest and Supplementary Application Form for academic year 2023/2024.  The documents are unchanged from previous years and links will be updated shortly: 

2025-2026 NURSERY - Determined Nursery Admission Policy

2025-2026 NURSERY - Determined Registration of Interest & Supplementary Admission Form

2025-2026 RECEPTION MAIN SCHOOL - Determined Main Primary School Admission Policy

2025-2026 RECEPTION MAIN SCHOOL - Determined Registration of Interest & Supplementary Admission Form


Are you in the Ecclesiatical Parish Boundary?

You can check whether you are in the ecclesiatical parish boundary of St Margaret and All Hallows for admission critieria using the link below:


Choose under the 'Content' tab Parishes (Boundaries only) and then put your address in the search box top right of the map.

Please note most years we take children from outside the parish boundary.


Reception Admission Informal Guidance Note

A number of nursery parents have been concerned regarding the church attendance oversubscription admission criteria. We have produced a guidance note here to support parents, however this guidance is none statutory and is an interpretation of the school legal policy below.


Parents can find out about nursery admission arrangements through Warrington Borough Council's website:

Parents can find out about primary school admission arrangements through Warrington Borough Council's website:

Parents can find out about secondary school admission arrangements through Warrington Borough Council's website:

All admission authorities in Warrington follow the same timetable for appeals this can be found on the Warrington LA  website :

Prospective parents are welcome to visit the school during the year prior to the child’s admission to school.

Many children prior to admission in reception attend our Nursery Department to introduce them to the school environment.  Further details are available from the school office. 

As the school is usually over subscribed, the Governing Body published its admission criteria in the policy available from the Admissions tab of the website.

The Board of Governors provides a catogorisation, according to the over subscription criteria published in the relevant Admission Policy, for all applicants after the national application close date to the local authority which then applies an 'equal preference' approach.  The local authority then offers parents a place at a school in taking into consideration other applications to other schools. Further details are available from Warrington Borough Council about this process.  There is no selection on any other criteria beyond that published.

To prevent a child with a disability being treated less favourably than other pupils we recommend the following:

  • You contact the school’s Inclusion Co-ordinator at the earliest opportunity to discuss inclusion and admission arrangements.
  • You visit the school prior to admission
  • You talk to your headteacher to set up an Admission Plan
  • You raise any concerns you may have at the earliest opportunity 

In-year Admissions (after Reception September Intake)

The school holds a waiting list for every year group in accordance with the guidance from Warrington Borough Council.  In the event that a vacancy becomes available in a year group all applications at that time are assessed in accordance with the school's oversubscription criteria and and offer made to the applicants.

The school regularly receives in-year transfer requests from the local authority who are responsible for in-year applications between schools.  The school works with the local authority in relation to Fair Access Protocols.  For further information about in-year admissions and Fair Access Protocol please contact Warrington Borough Council.


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