
The Board of Governors has a membership of fourteen committed professional volunteers (including those with a background in education, human resources and finance, church representation and parents).


The Governing Body has corporate powers.  Individual governors have no powers on their own.  The Governing Body is appointed in accordance of the Instrument of Governance and must uphold the Trust Deed of the Foundation that underpins this Church School.

The governors have a Governors Handbook that explains in detail the processes and procedures governors follow (available from the Documents section of this website.


Board Pen Portaits

Mrs Ann Elphick: Chair of Governors, Chair of Chairs Committee.  Ann is a senior lecturer in education, supervising masters studies at Chester University.  With many years in education at secondary and university level, Ann brings a strategic guide to the work of the board.  Ann attends and contributes to our pupils' School Parliament half termly.

Mr David Littlewood: Vice Chair of Governors, Chair of Staffing Committee.  David is an ex-headteacher of a successful Warrington primary church school.  With significant experience in being a governor and trustee of a non-church multi-academy trust. David is our SEND Governor and Governor for our STEM Curriculum Committee.

Mrs Elizabeth Shone: Safeguarding Governor, Chair of Admissions Committee.  Beth is a magistrate on the North bench.  She previously worked in the Safeguarding Conference Unit for Child Protection in Warrington.  She is our Safeguarding Governor.

Mr Rob Gibson: Chair of Curriculum.  Rob is a co-opted governor and deputy headteacher at a Warrington academy.  He brings significant experience in curriculum development

Rev Simon Renison: Simon is a foundation governor but is also a parent of three children at the school.  He supports the life of the school by leading some services and worships.  Simon leads a diocesan project setting up new worshiping communities.

Mr Chris Babington: Chris is a Parent Governor with experience in business management.

Mrs Alison Vickers: Alison is elected by our parents and has two children at the school.  She joined the board in January 2023.

Mrs Gloria Warburton : Gloria has been a long standing member of our Governing Board.  She brings experience of nursery education as well as knowledge of the parish community.  Gloria is our Governor on the Collective Worship and Humanities Curriculum Team.

Mrs Joanne Hewson: Jo is a headteacher of a large primary academy.  Jo brings considerable experience in school strategic management. Jo is our Governor on the Sports, Arts and Wellbeing Curriculum Team. 

Dr Carsten Kressell: Carsten is an associate governor and a National Leader of Governance.  He is a clerk to many governiong bodies and a company secretary to a multi-academy trust.  Carsten brings experience and knowledge in school governance.


Board Organisation

They meet as a full Board at least 3 times a year.  To be efficient, groups of governors meet as committees under Terms of Reference.  Four committees regularly meet termly.

To ensure that the full board is strategically and efficiently organised the chairs of each committee meet as a Chairs' Committee at least termly before the termly full board and the cycle of termly committee meetings.

The most frequent committees that meet are:

Chairs' Committee, Curriculum Committee, Ethos and Staffing Committee, Environment Committee, and Finance Committee

If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors or a chair of a committee, all enquiries should be made through Mrs McGuinness, the Clerk to Committees c/o the school (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).  Governors should not be contacted directly.  

The Clerk to Governors is Mrs Alyson Wells of Warrington Borough Council's Governance & Advisory Team.  She can be contacted on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Pecuniary Business Interests

A pecuniary interest is where an individual may benefit from an association or transaction undertaken by the school.

A list of pecuniary interests for governors is available here: Governor's Pecuniary Business Interests


Board Committee Structure & Membership

Schools should publish the membership of committees.  Here is the membership chart of our committees.

Governor Committees Membership Chart


Board Attendance

Schools should publish the attendance record of each governor at full governing body and committee meetings over the last academic year.  Here is the attendance for our governing board for the last academic year.

Governor Attendance Table


Board Website Requirements

The school must publish up to date:

  • details of the structure and responsibilities of the governing body and its committees
  • information about each governor, including their:
    • full name, date of appointment, term of office, date they stepped down (where applicable) and who appointed them (in accordance with the governing body’s instrument of government)
    • business and financial interests
    • governance roles in other educational institutions
    • any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives)
    • attendance record at governing body and committee meetings over the last academic year


Board Business is facilitated through our Governor Hub

Govs Hub






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