Meet Team St Margaret's
Executive Headteacher : Mr Christopher MJ Metcalfe, BEd (Hons) MA NPQH NPQEL FCCT
Chris is Executive Headteacher for St Margaret's CE Primary School and passionate about education; giving children the best opportunities for success. He is the substantive Headteacher for St Margaret's with over twenty years headship experience in three distinctlively different schools, is a father of three children and has recently been awarded a Masters in Educational Management with Chester University at Distinction level. Chris is the Executive Headteacher of School Improvement for Warrington Borough Council, leading the co-ordination of the LA's Advisory Team of 10 staff and is a Local Leader of Education with Warrington Teaching School Hub. He also works for the education inspectorate, OFSTED. He has successfully completed studies to gain the National Professional Qualification for Executive Leadership, is a Fellow of the Chartered College for Teaching and is currently studying for a Doctorate in Educational Leadership.
Head of School: Mrs Amanda Meager, BEd (Hons) QTS
Amanda is currently the Head of School (DHT) providing day-to-day management of the school, line managing the staff team and co-ordinating its activities and events. Prior to this role she has been Assistant Headteacher for over six years. With industry experience in the IT sector, Amanda has significant teaching and leadership experience ranging from infant and junior departments. Outward looking and seeking the very best practice, Amanda has been sought as a Teaching School Hub wide Lead Mentor for Associate Teachers in the School Direct programme and is also an STA Writing Moderator for the local authority.
Assistant Headteacher - Inclusion (Wellbeing, Safeguarding & SEND) : Miss Emma Fleming, BA (Hons), PGCE (Psychology) QTS
Emma has a broad range of experience in special educational needs and working with vulnerable pupils. This has included working in a Pupil Referral Unit and as an accredited Every Child a Reader teacher.
Emma has completing the national accreditation for SENCO's, the Postgraduate Cerificate in SEN. Emma supports the Executive Headteacher in leading the provision for Vulnerable Pupils including those with Special Educational Needs and Disability, those with additional support from Early Help and Social Care and those with additional barriers such as attendance, medical needs or those with English as an Additional Language.
Emma is the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Designated Teacher for Looked After Children.
Emma is supported by Sue Kirby our Early Help & Family Support Worker, Laura Albon our SEN Case Worker and our Pastoral and Safeguarding Manager.
Administration, Technical & Site Team
Executive Headteacher's Secretary (Admissions Enquiries and Governance Professional): Mrs Ann McGuinness
School Business Manager : Dr Penny Harland
Enquiries Administrative Assistant (Parent Pay, Catering, Uniform) : Mrs Julie Hennessey
Support Services Assistant (Attendance, SMILE Lettings & Admin to Head of School) : Mrs Yvonne Leigh
Site Manager : Mr John Houghton
Assistant Site Manager : Mr Tony McGuinness
IT Technician : Matt O'Halloran (EDAC)
Vulnerable Children's Team (Safeguarding, SEN, Mental Health)
VC Team Leader (Assistant Headteacher) : Miss Emma Fleming BA (Hons) PGCE QTS
SEN Case Worker : Mrs Laura Albon NNEB BTEC
Pastoral & Safeguarding Manager: Mr Matthew Dunn BA (Hons)
LA Educational Psychologist (WBC SLA) : Sarah Prall BA MSs
Private Educational Psychologist (commissioned): Phil Picket (Acorn Psychology)
Child Play Therapists (commissioned): Iona Alexander & Sally Lee (Child in Mind)
Speech and Language Terapists (SLA): 14 Therapists through Bridgewater NHS Trust
Early Years Department / Phase 1 Team
Head of Early Years / Phase Leader : Miss Emma Fleming, BA, PGCE QTS
Nursery Year Leader & Nursery Teacher: Mrs Laura Peters, BEd QTS
EY Achievement Mentor/Teacher: Star-Lee Highdale EYTS
EY Nursery L3 Assistant: Mrs Elaine McElroy NNEB
EY Nursery L3 Assistant: Mrs Gemma Tierney
EY Nursery L3 Assistant Apprentice: Mrs Vicky Whitfield (training NVQL3)
EY Reception/Nursery L3 Assistant Apprentice: Mrs Candice Skyrme (training NVQL3)
Reception Year Leader & Reception Teacher : Mrs Helen Carroll BEd QTS
Reception Teacher: Miss Rececca Coleman BEd QTS
Ey Nursery L3 Assistant: Miss Bethany Clarke
Reception L3 Assistant: Mrs Vikki Pountley NVQL3
EY Reception/Nursery L3 Assistant Apprentice: Mrs Candice Skyrme (training NVQL3)
Reception L2 Assistant & EY Pupil Premium/SEND : Mrs Jo Princep
Lower School Department / Phase 2 Team
Head of Lower School / Assistant Phase 2 Leader: Miss Hayley Woods BA English, QTS
Year 1 Teacher: Miss Leanne McGivern BEd, QTS
Year 1 Teacher and School Improvement Lead: Mr Adam Lankertis BA, QTS
Year 2 Teacher: Miss Sophie Taylor BA, QTS
Year 2 Teacher: Miss Georgia Spiers, BA, QTS
ECaR Teacher: Miss Emma Fleming BA PGCE QTS
Lower School Assistant: Mrs Sheena White, NNEB
Lower School Assistant: Miss Louise Bains, BEd QTS
Lower School Assistant: Mrs Karen Lewis NVQL3
Lower School Assistant: Mrs Clare Thwaites BA (Hons)
Lower School Achievement Assistant: Mrs Leanne Spiers NVQL2/NVQL3
Midddle School Department / Phase 3 Team
Year 3 Teacher: Mrs Karen Vernon, QTS
Year 3 Teacher: Miss Holly Mannion, QTS
Year 4 Teacher: Miss Hannah Cain QTS
Year 4 Teacher: Mrs Emma Revill QTS
Middle School Assistant: Miss Kadie Jones QTS
Middle School Assistant: Mrs Julie Finch NVQL3
Middle School Assistant Apprentice: Mrs Alison Catterall (training NVQL3)
Middle School Achievement Assistant: Mrs Nicola Howell NVQL2
Upper School Department / Phase 4 Team
Head of Upper School / Phase 4 Leader : Miss Chantelle Malhi BEd QTS
Year 5 Teacher: Mrs Marie Taylor BA QTS
Year 5 Teacher: Miss Chloe Allen BA, PGCE QTS
Year 6 Teacher: Miss Chantelle Malhi BA QTS
Year 6 Teacher: Miss Megan Littler BA QTS
Year 6 Teacher: Mrs Rachael Hart BA, QTS
Upper School Assistant: Mrs Gill Stephenson BEd (Hons) Dip (Maths) QTS
Upper School Achievement Mentor (Pupil Premium): Mrs J Stainton NNEB
SEND Support Team
SEND Assistant: Miss Julie Ruth NVQL3
SEND Assistant: Mrs Wendy Donoghue NVQL2
SEND Assistant: Mrs Leanne Speirs NVQL2
SEND Assistant: Miss Rachael Collins NVQL2
SEND Assistant: Mrs Sue Davies NVQL3
SEND Assistant: Mrs Jane Girvan NVQL2
SEND Assistant: Mrs Breika Abidi NVQL3
Curriculum Subject Specialist Team
Primary Mastery Mathematics Specialist (Appointed Turin Maths Hub) & Specialist Leader in Education (Mathematics) (Appointed WTSA) - 0.6 FTE: Miss Paula Spenceley BA QTS
Specialist Leader in Education (Mathematics) (Appointed WTSA) : Mr Adam Lankertis BA QTS
Music Specialist Teacher (with specialisms in Strings) - 0.7 FTE: Mrs Judith McAuslan B.A. (Music) PGCE, Associate Teacher of the Colourstrings Music Kindergarten