
We lead and participate in partnerships that improve:

- the quality of learning and teaching

Networks for T&L include Generate Teaching Hub (and it's predecessor Warrington Teaching School Alliance for School Direct, Turin Maths Hub (as a provider and beneficiary) and Deep Learning Teaching School Alliance for Mathematics, Literacy Company Network for Reading and Writing moderation, and Early Years 2 Primary and WPAT for Early Years, a STEM teachers CPD group at TCAT and an RE local group for moderation.

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- the quality of curriculum and senior leadership

The school leads a hub of 6 schools to promote effective subject, and curriculum developmement as well as peer supporting at year group and senior leadership.

it participates in (and previous led regionally) a Church of England Foundation for Education Peer Support Programme with Liverpool Diocese.

We also are full and active members of the subject associations that promote effective subject curriculum including the History Association, Geographical Association, British Science Association, DT Association

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- the quality of pupil experience / enrichment

We run the Character Education programme, Archbishop of York Award and Children's University.

We work with TCAT BCA regarding high school transition sessions, science STEM training, and support their youth training such as Girls Football Leadrrship.

We commission in expertise for different musical experiences from Accent Music Hub, run projects for high achievement in reading with BOLD.


- the quality of pupil welfare and support

We are the regional register lead provider for training charity on children's safeguarding 'Kidsafe UK'

We co- commission expertise for a Early Help Co-ordination with Oakwood Avenue Primary (One Community Trust).

We purchase the full SLA for Education Safeguarding from the local authority and attend their network sessions and training..

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