Curriculum & Leadership Consultancy

Support through Warrington Borough Council

Chris Metcalfe, the Executive Headteacher for two days a week leads a team of Associate School Advisers for Warrington Borough Council as Executive Head of School Improvement.  He also takes resposibility within this role to secure challenge and support to those schools identified as in need of Enhanced or Intensive Support by WBC.  The team of Associate Advisers is made up of Headteachers across Warrington and beyond, as well as those who have worked in system leadership roles in the North West.  Currently the system leader primary team include:

Associate Advisers:

- Mrs Cooke, Associate School Adviser with Porfolio for ECTs/NQTs (Headteacher of Gorse Covert Primary Academy

- Mrs Sweeney, Associate School Adviser with Portfolio for SACRE (Headteacher of Ravenbank Primary School)

- Mr Vernon, Associate School Adviser (Headteacher of St Vincent's Catholic)

- Mrs Dymond, Associate School Adviser (Executive Head of Winwick CE Primary School)

- Mr Jones, Associate School Adviser (Executive Head based at Bruche Primary Academy (WPAT))

- Mrs Briggs, Associate School Adviser (Headteacher of Great Sankey Primary Academy (TCAT))

- Mrs Everett, Associate School Adviser (Headteacher of Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School)

- Mrs Jackson, Associate School Adviser (Headteacher of Grappenhall Hey Primary School)

- Mrs Dodd, Associate Adviser (Headteacher of Cucheth Primary School)

- Mrs Littler, Associate School Adviser & NLE (Headteacher of Callands Primary School)

- Mr Fann, Associate School Adviser (Executive Headteacher for schools in Lancashire as need arises)

- Mrs Bennett, Associate School Adviser (System leader in North West)

There are ASAs that support high schools and special schools.

Other System Leaders:

- Mr Vernon (Portfolio holder for work with Ambition Institute)

- Mr Short (Portfolio holder for work with ICT and Online Teaching)

- Mrs Dodd (Portfolio holder for work with Maths & English Hubs)

The team is reviewed annually by WBC. They provide support and challenge to headteachers, senior leaders and governors as improvement officers; in curriculum development, readiness for external scrutiny, headteacher performance management advice, school reviews, training and CPD, and governance training.   If you consider your school would benefit from this support please contact the Executive Headteacher's team admin at the local authority, Lisa Adams on 01925 442987 or email ladams(@) 

Support available from our regional Maths Hub

Paula Spenceley a Primary Specialist Maths Teacher with the Turin Maths Hub.   She is a highly capable and competent subject leader with expertise in mastery mathematics. Paula is currently supporting 8 schools in Warrington and she is released on Wednesdays to support this work.  If you are interested in receiving support through the Maths Hub please contact them here:

Support available direct from school

We have experienced and innovative teachers and school leaders who are well-placed to provide both formal and informal support and challenge to professionals and practitioners.  The difference between our consultancy and other providers is that our consultants are doing what they advise on a daily basis in a normal classroom.  Browse our list of specialists:


Paula Spenceley a Primary Specialist Maths Teacher with the Turin Maths Hub.   She is a highly capable and competent subject leader with expertise in mastery mathematics.  Applying her significant experience as a subject leader in two schools, enabling them to realise improved standards, Paula has expertise in coaching teachers and working with teams across KS1 and KS2.  Paula, as a Specialist Leader in Education and is currently leading a maths networks for local schools.  

Adam Lankertis is a Specialist Leader in Education for mathematics, particularly skilled in Year 1 - 3 learning provision.  Adam is one of our three mentors in school for initial teacher training and has led on our Early Reading provision with Reseach focussed work. 


Matthew Boyle, in his second Deputy Headship, now Head of School, has vast knowledge of assessment systems and their application to the classroom.  With particular expertise in the assessment of writing, noted at local authority level, he has been a Year 6 Local Authority Moderator in two LAs and is now the Lead Moderator for Warrington Borough Council.

English & SEN

Emma Fleming, as Assistant Headteacher, is an experienced fully qualified Every Child a Reader Teacher and is well-placed to provide support in reading through into writing.  Emma has a track record of supporting staff in guided reading and the use of phonics.  Emma is highly experienced in conducting the National phonics test to Year 1 pupils.  Emma leads on inclusion and has significant experience in this field, asked regularly to sit on the LA provision and placement panels.


Chris Metcalfe, Executive Headteacher, is in his twentieth year of headship, having undertaken a number of school improvement and system leadership roles.  Chris has been in senior leadership roles in four authorities and different settings from removing school from special measures to outstanding status schools; recently as executive headteacher in this school and previously in Lancashire and East Sussex.  He has been a national School Improvement Partner, led across two schools as exec head and currently line manages the local authority school advisory team. He has, and continues to chair, a number of small and large networks, is Chair of Governors of high school, is a Local Leader of Education with WTSA, and works for the inspectorate OFSTED.

Pricing and Protocols

Pricing varies from £200 to £500 per day depending upon role required.  Please enquire with the Services Manager, Yvonne Leigh (stmargarets_primary_This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

We do not have complicated protocols - simply time efficient support in a timely manner.  Early establishing of expectations of support enable satisfaction.  In the rare event of dissatisfaction, please contact the Yvonne in the first instance.

In event where work is obtained or commissioned through Warrington Teaching School Alliance their protocols and pricing will apply.

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