results 340x255Continuing to buck the national trend with 2023 excellent results

Yet again we are delighted with the achievements of our pupils this year that continues to show our pupils' and teachers' enthusiasm for excellence, both in the classroom and previously online during COVID. 

Combined RWM: School 70% National 60%, Reading : School 82% National 73%,  Maths: School 85% National 73%.

Proud of our pupils and shows the capabilities and effectiveness of our experienced teaching team. 

We know that results do not on their own define our children's abilities in all they achieve at St Margaret's.  Other abilities celebrated are often shown in sport, music (including exam grades), the arts and many other areas, however we also recognise that it is our responsibility to enable as many children as possible to access the secondary curriculum by being able to be competent in reading, writing and mathematics.

Our results from externally marked and moderated examiners show that, even during the missed learning (which we minimised by remote learning) of COVID and the noted starting point of many children in the early years, our children exceeded the number of children nationally that achieved the expected standard in reading, writing mathematics.

KS2 (Year 6) Results for 2023

We are proud of our children again in 2023. 

Our Expected standard or higher results are as follows:

 KS2 (Year 6) Results for 2023 

 School     National
 Reading, Writing and Maths Combined     70%  59%
 Reading   82%  73%
 Writing   83%  71%
 Mathematics  85%  73%

Our achievement for pupils with Greater Depth have also increased: Reading - 30%, Writing - 22% , Maths - 18%

Progress – (score above 0 is better than national expectation)

Reading Progress Score: +2.0 (Nat. 0)
Writing Progress Score:  +4.1 (Nat. 0)
Maths Progress Score:  +3.3 (Nat. 0)

Averaged Scaled Score:

Average scaled score in in reading 106.2 –  (105 Nat.)
Average scaled score in grammar, punctuation and spelling 105.9 –  (105 Nat.)
Average scaled score in maths – 105.6 (104 Nat.)


KS1 (Year 2) Results for 2023

And again our phonics achivements have been better than the national average!  

Our Expected standard or higher results are as follows:

 KS1 (Year 2) Results for 2023   School      National 2022 (FFT Early)
Reading, Writing and Maths Combined      %  %
 Reading 75%  68%
 Writing 68%  60%
 Mathematics  78% 70%

Our achievement for pupils with Greater Depth have also increased: Reading - , Writing - , Maths - 

Year 1 Phonics Results for 2023

Our results from internally assessed and internally moderated assessments show that, desoite the national reduction in pupilsbeing at the age related expectation in Year 2, our pupils have out performed the national average, meaning that more children at St margaret's are well-prepared for KS2 than the average year 2 child.  Our results are as follows:

 Year 1 Phonics Results for 2023  School     National 2023 Local Authority
Phonics National Test      83%  79%  %


KS2 (Year 6) Results for 2022

Our results from externally marked and moderated examiners show that, even during the missed learning (which we minimised by remote learning) of COVID and the noted starting point of many children in the early years, our children exceeded the number of children nationally that achieved the expected standard in reading, writing mathematics. 

Our Expected standard or higher results are as follows:

 KS2 (Year 6) Results for 2022 

 School     National
 Reading, Writing and Maths Combined     74%  59%
 Reading   83%  74%
 Writing (externally moderated by the local authority*)      76%  78%
 Mathematics  83%  79%

Our achievement for pupils with Greater Depth have also increased: Reading - 32.8%, Writing - 1.7% , Maths - 10.3%

*external moderation is on a planned cycle by the local authority, which is teacher assessed and not externally marked tests 

KS1 (Year 2) Results for 2022

And again our phonics achivements have been better than the national average!  

Our Expected standard or higher results are as follows:

 KS1 (Year 2) Results for 2022   School      National 2022 (FFT Early)
Reading, Writing and Maths Combined      57%  54%
 Reading  75%  68%
 Writing  63%  58%
 Mathematics  69%  69%

Our achievement for pupils with Greater Depth have also increased: Reading - , Writing - , Maths - 

Year 1 Phonics Results for 2022

Our results from internally assessed and internally moderated assessments show that, desoite the national reduction in pupilsbeing at the age related expectation in Year 2, our pupils have out performed the national average, meaning that more children at St margaret's are well-prepared for KS2 than the average year 2 child.  Our results are as follows:

 Year 1 Phonics Results for 2022   School     National 2019    Local Authority
Phonics National Test      82%  82%  81.7%


KS2 Results for 2019

“The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.”

Our End of KS2 Results are published below.

Children attend from deprivation areas that are within the lowest quintile (most deprived) nationally as published in IDSR. Children characteristically start from below the national expectation for their age, generally meet or exceed the phonics standard at end of Year 1 and make progress to meet and exceed national expectations by the end of KS2.

School results for 2019 from LA Report database:

  School    National 
Reading, Writing and Maths Combined     77%  64.8%
Reading 78% 73%
Writing 87% 78.5%
Mathematics 85% 78.8%

Our achievement for pupils with Greater Depth have also increased: Combined RWM - 7% (Nat. 10.5%), Reading - 18.3% (Nat. 26.9), Writing - 16.7% (Nat. 20.2%), GAPS - 26.2%, Maths - 18% (Nat. 26.6%)

Progress – (score above 0 is better than national expectation)

Reading Progress Score: +0.9 (Nat. 0)
Writing Progress Score: +2.4 (Nat. 0)
Maths Progress Score: +1.4 (Nat. 0)

Averaged Scaled Score:

Average scaled score in in reading – 104 (Nat. 104)
Average scaled score in grammar, punctuation and spelling – 104.4 (Nat. 106)
Average scaled score in maths – 105 (Nat. 105)


School results for 2018 from DfE database:


% of pupils in KS2 achieving expected standard in reading, writing and maths: 64% (Nat. 64%)
% of pupils in KS2 achieving expected or higher standard in reading: 75%
% of pupils in KS2 achieving greater depth in reading: 22%
% of pupils in KS2 achieving expected or higher standard in grammar, puctuation and spelling: 83%

% of pupils in KS2 achieving greater depth in grammar, puctuation and spelling: 23%

% of pupils in KS2 achieving expected standard in writing: 82%

% of pupils in KS2 achieving greater depth in writing: 12% 
% of pupils in KS2 achieving expected or higher standard in maths: 70%
% of pupils in KS2 achieving greater depth in maths: 12%

Progress – (score above 0 is better than national expectation)

Reading Progress Score: +1.8
Writing Progress Score: +1.6
Maths Progress Score: +0.6

Averaged Scaled Score:

Average scaled score in in reading – 105 (Nat. 104)
Average scaled score in grammar, punctuation and spelling – 104 (Nat. 106)
Average scaled score in maths – 105 (Nat. 105)


The school's results for 2017 are as follows:

The school is not below the DFE floor standard.
The school is not categorised as coasting.
School results for 2017 from DFE database* prior to publishing are as follows (not yet validated):


% of pupils in KS2 achieving expected standard in reading, writing and maths: 67.14 (Nat. 61%)
% of pupils in KS2 achieving expected or higher standard in reading: 72%
% of pupils in KS2 achieving greater depth in reading: 21%
% of pupils in KS2 achieving expected or higher standard in grammar, puctuation and spelling: 81%

% of pupils in KS2 achieving greater depth in grammar, puctuation and spelling: 28.36%

% of pupils in KS2 achieving expected standard in writing: 78%

% of pupils in KS2 achieving greater depth in writing: 13% 
% of pupils in KS2 achieving expected or higher standard in maths: 78%
% of pupils in KS2 achieving greater depth in maths: 23.88% (with re-mark outcome)

Progress – (score above 0 is better than national expectation)

Reading Progress Score: +2.5
Writing Progress Score: +1.7
Maths Progress Score: +3.0

Averaged Scaled Score:

Average scaled score in in reading – 103 (Nat. 104)
Average scaled score in grammar, punctuation and spelling – 106 (Nat. 106)
Average scaled score in maths – 104 (Nat. 104)

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