
The enrichment of our Lion Curriculum is every class teachers' responsiblty, however the school has a number of specific enrichment days throughout the year.  These are supported through the school leadership team.

Please see our Twitter and Facebook page for photos of last year's (and this year's) events.  Details for parents of each event is published in our school weekly newsletter.



Our enrichment days and weeks are key drivers for our children to demonstrate Courageous Advocacy and their commitment to our Christian Values and British Values. 

Being Part of a Bigger Britain : King' Coronation Day

Courageous Advocacy:  Enterprise Week for Nairobi New Life Home Trust (AIDS Baby Rescue Centre) and Namrata Shah Children's Home (Thika Diocese, Kenya)  Our Year 6 pupils have chosen to run (for 6 years) an Enterprise Week to support the lives of those families affected by illness in Kenya. Our link to both charities is through St Barnabas, Blackburn Diocese and Guy and Suzanna and Kenyan clergy and visitors have all visited in person and via zoom for our children to understand the benefits of that their money achieves.

Being Part of a Bigger Britain : Red Nose Day for Comic relief

Being Part of a Bigger Britain : Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

Being Part of a Bigger BritainMacmillan Cancer Research Coffee Morning

Being Part of a Bigger Britain : Remembrance Day

Christian Aid Week: Christian Aid Week is a key feature in January when we also celebrate Christingle.  We help fundraise so that Christian Aid can train people to deal with the effects of climate change and prepares them for the threat of natural disasters, and give them resources and relief. 

Being Safer and Wellbeing - Safer Internet Week  Safer Internet Day: Safer Internet Day takes place in school each year in February to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones.  We engage with a range of providers such as at parents evening Apple and PC World came in to explain to parents how to use parental controls on software and devices.

Being Safer and Wellbeing - Anti-bullying Week 'Make a Noise About Bullying': In November we have a focus on anti-bullying to make our school as safe as it can be. In previous years the focus has been to explore safer routes to and from school, community cohesion and cyberbullying.

Our World - Our Environment :  Fairtrade Fortnight : This is a whole school initiative to promote an awareness of where our fodd comes from and the environmental and financial costs inits production.  We hold a Fairtrade assembly every year and encourage children to look for the logo and product origins, and how they can help people in poorer countries.

Our World - Our Environment : National Tree Week : A major countrywide festival founded to mark the start of the planting season and celebrate trees and woods. It includes tree planting and other events, such as tree dressing, talks and story telling.

Floodlight on Diversity (Cultures, Disability)  - Chinese New Year: This is the first day in the Year of the Doragon.  The traditional Chinese lunar year begins at sunset on the day of the second New Moon following the winter solstice. Chinese New Year celebrations last two weeks and end with Teng Chieh.

Floodlight on Diversity (Cultures, Disability)  - Diwali: It's a major festival celebrating the triumph of light over darkness and the start of new beginnings for millions of people of the Hindu, Sikh and Jain faiths.

Floodlight on Diversity (Cultures, Disability) - Wold Religion Day- Is celebrated every January on the third Sunday of the month. In 2024, that falls on the 21st of January. Its aim is to promote understanding and peace between all religions, encouraging people to learn about other faiths and their followers. 

Christian Celebrations: Shrove Tuesday : Christian celebration day on the eve of Ash Wednesday, which begins Lent, a time of fasting and devotions. Pancakes are very often available throughout school!

Christian Celebrations: Celebrating the Risen Lord - Easter, also called Pascha or Resurrection Sunday, is a Christian festival and cultural holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, 

World Book Day: An important date in our school calendar in which we enrich our children's lives with stories.  We get authors and story tellers into school and have themed days to encourage participation. We also take part in National Storytelling Week

World Maths Day: World Maths Day takes place  in March and we join with children from across the globe in a celebration of numbers over the internet. 


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