Collective Worship

Underpinning our school ethos and Christian values is the experience we provide through Collective Worship.  It enables us to deliver our theologically rooted vision.

Collective Worship takes place daily.  It is led by adults and children and strategically developed by Mrs Meager (Head of School).

We have a school policy that explains its purpose and the right to withdraw.  This can be found on the policies section of this website.

Worships look different and have different styles, though there is comonality and consistency between them. 

Consistency is encouraged through the use of a couple of powerpoint slides across school to ensure the school vision and Anglican practice is being emphasised. An example of this is the use of the trinitarian welcome we use:


Our Worship follows a regular pattern of delivery (though content will vary deliberately):

 Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday
 Whole school worship by school leaders, or Class Worships by a class of pupils incl parents KS1 Stay and Praise Worship with key biblical content led by Rev. Simon incl parents, KS2 individual class worship using Picture News Phase Worship KS1 and Eucharist or other Service for KS2, occasionally in St Margaret's and All Hallows Church KS2 Prayer and Praise Worship with key biblical content, KS1 individual class worship using Picture News Open the Book Worship or Whole school Celebration and Thanksgiving Worship including awards and recognition for Christian Values and individual community achivement.


Whole school worship will use Roots & Fruits resources linked to the Christian values of the term.

Thanks.png compassion.png persevere.png justice.png service.png thankful.png

Prayer and Praise will use Roots and Fruits additional resources linked to the Christian values of the term

Individual class worships will use Picture News that brings real life situations of justice into the worship in an age relevent way.

Open the Book will provide a relevent biblical story to share.

Feedback and the impact of worship is sought from children and adults through our monitoring and also from feedback postcards - these can be viewed in the school lobby.  There are some worderful comments in these!

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