Phonics from the Start - and till they can read

In partnership with parents we encourage all children to learn to read as quickly as possible. We have a clear focus on the use of phonics and also understanding of the text – comprehension.

We use Little Wandle as our systematic synthetic phoncis scheme which has pre-approval from the DfE as an accredited scheme.

Here are the resources published by Little Wandle to help parents understand the phonics scheme.  They include downloadable sequence of the phonemes (sounds) and graphemes (way they look).

Little Wandle Parents Page

Phase 2 sounds taught in reception Autumn 1:

Phase 2 sounds taught in Reception Autumn 2:

Phase 3 sounds taught in Reception Spring 1:

All staff are trained in this scheme and all resources are aligned with it.  We have 'fidelity' to it which means we stick to it and don't use other schemes that might confuse children or change the sequence in the learning.

We have a trained Every Child a Reader teacher that cascades her training to those who support early intervention .

All books when learning decoding are phonic matched to the child's ability and stage of reading development.

Children will over-learn phonics right the way through our school until decoding is secure.


Phonics Booklets for Additional Home Learning Activities

Reading the books the school sends home with your child should be your first priority in supporting your child to read, however we have also offered some suggested activities from the booklets below: 

Phase 1 Phonics Booklet (for Nursery children)

Phase 2 Phonics Booklet (for Reception children)

Phase 3 Phonics Booklet (for Reception children, spring term, Year 1 revision)

Phase 4 Phonics Booklet (for Reception children, summer term, Year 1 revision)

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