Here you will find our latest news of events and announcements. To give you greater flexibility in how you receive news you can join:
- our Twitter (
- our Facebook, which is fed from our twitter, (
- our mailing list (
We produce a weekly newsletter which is distributed by pupil post, usually on a Thursday, and also through our mailing list.
Alternatively you can look at one of our three noticeboards near our entrances!
Nursery 2025 Open Day & Weeks
Our school campus has childcare from 6 months.
If you are 3 years old you can join our school nursery.
Come and join us for our Discovery Days on:
29th January, 7th &27th February and 3rd March .
This is an opportunity to meet our Nursery staff and senior leaders to explain our unique education we offer.
Use Live Chat on this website to tell us you would like to come.
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Reception 2025 Visits
Are you due to start school in September 2025?
Whilst our Discovery days have passed, you can still visit our school to meet our Reception staff and senior leaders to explain our unique education we offer.
Use Live Chat on this website or give us a ring on 01925 634207 to arrange a time.
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New Optional Tartan Skirt
We are launching a new addition to our school uniform. This will mark our heritage as a school named after St Margaret of Scotland and be a feature of of our one hundredth school centenary as a Church School founded by the Deed in 1826. The wearing of our tartan skirt is optional. Black and grey skirts (and trousers) will still be part of our uniform, though we will be phasing out the grey skirts (and trousers) at the end of the next academic year.
The tartan skirts can be purchased only from the uniform shop in Warrington Town Centre at a cost of £12.99.; 50-54 Buttermarket Street, Warrington, WA1 2NN; 01925 576868. Please note the school office does not stock this item.
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After School Clubs:
We will continue to be running a full schedule of after school clubs starting again in January.
Choose the clubs that you would like your child to attend and complete the registration form via the link that has been text to parents to register your interest.
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Junior Sports Days Postponed
Due to the heavens opening last night and this morning, our Junior Sports Day has been postponed. Obviously we can't control or predict weeks in advance the British weather! We will publish on our school newsletter when the next date will be, though we need to look at the forecast rto try and get some dry weather to harden the ground.
Infant Sports Day
Yesterday this was a great success. Many happy children on our sports field with parents encouraging their children to be the best they can be in body, mind and spirit!
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New Salad Bar
Boys and girls of our Environment Ministry asked for a salad bar in their meetings with school leaders. Today, in partnership with WBC School Meals, they opened their new Salad Bar today in the promotion of health food options.
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Year 6 SATs Meeting Slides, Letter & FAQs
An information meeting for Year 6 was held on Monday 18th March regarding SATS week.
The slides that were shared can be found here.
Letter to parents - Information including timetable of SATs tests
Frequently Asked Questions for Parents - questions parents may ask about how tests are administered
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School outcomes continue to get better and better
The DFE have published the progress scores for 2023 data.
As you can see our children's progress is Above average for reading and Well above Average (the top band) for writing and maths meaning they go on to high school very well-prepared for the next stage of their education.
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The Growing Faith Adventure
We are enthused and delighted to take on the challenge of working with a range of partners including our school Parish Church of St Margaret's and All Hallows and SMILE Collective to spread the Good News.
We are beginning our journey of this new initiative with the national education office and our Liverpool Diocese as we look to work even more closely with our churches and our families.
'Growing Faith is actively encouraging ventures and activities which will help normalise conversations about Christian faith, leading opportunities for developing prayer and gathering for worship.'
If you would like to join us as a volunteer in this project or would like to know more please contact our recently appointed Growing Faith C-ordinator, Mrs Sue Kirby.
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Whole School Enterprise Week - led by Year 6
Our children have chosen to support Derian House as our charity this year.
One of our past pupils benefited so much from the support that the house provided to him. We present an award every year in his memory and it is fiting for us to give back to such an important North West charity.
See newsletter for more details as to how it works and what you can do.
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Confirmation by new Bishop of Liverpool
The new Bishop of Liverpool, Rt. Revd Dr John Perumbalath confirmed pupils on Sunday 22 May thanks to the wonderful staff of St Margaret's in providing them with Confirmation classes afer school in the absence of an incumbent in our parish church.
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Celebrating the Coronation
Such a fantastic celebration, for three weeks in May we learned about the importance of the King's Coronation, the succession to the throne and how as head of the Comonwealth and Church of England King Charles III brings people together.
Look at our photos and see children having such fun and contributing to a great time.
Below the whole school of over 470 children made an enormous version of King Charles special ensignia!
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Our Family Themed Night - When I Grow Up...
We have run these successful events in the past (pre-COVID) and children and parents have said how great they are, so we are doing them again!
All children need to be accompanied by an adult. After school, children will be given a Competition Passport. There are many activities to take part in, though to enter the competition you must do 5 of them. Winners get hampers of food worth £25!
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Happy Easter to our School & Parish Community
From all the children, staff and governors - Happy Easter!
The Parish Church of St Margaret's and All Hallows will be having the following services for you to come and join in:
Maundy Thursday - 7.00pm, Good Friday - 2.00pm, Easter Sunday - 9.30am
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Digital Charter - we've signed up!
The digital landscape has changed so much in the last few years and will continue to do so as technology develops. It’s important to think about how the conversations we’re having can help change someone’s newsfeed for the better.
Could you sign the individual charter too?
This is a voluntary pledge to help make social media and the web more widely positive places for conversations to happen.
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Flourishing Children, Flourishing Schools Conference
We were delighted to host for the schools in the Grace Hub and other local schools in the diocese, our first conference to further develop Christian education in our Warrington Church of England Schools.
Key note speaker, Andy Wolfe, lead sessions in the morning and afternoon, as well as contributions from Lou Morley (Diocesan RE Consultant) and Lesley Dennison (Diocesan Collective Worship Consultant).
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Reception Class Open Days for September 2023 & 2024 Intakes
Despite a low birthrate, we only have two vacancies for our reception class - if wanting a place please contact the school office.
Next Open Day: Monday 24 April 2pm and 4pm.
An opportunity to visit our fabulous classrooms and environment. If you are already attending one of our nursery classes you do not need to attend. This is for those who do not know our school! Whilst applications for September 2023 will be treated as late applications, we can accomodate a few children out of our normal catchment who did not want to accept their school offered by the local authority.
Register your interest in getting more information on St Margaret's pupil admission by contacting our school office via the school Live Chat on this site.
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Queen Elizabeth II - Remembered
As staff, governors, pupils and parents within our close school family, we join with those in the wider world in expressing our sadness to hear the news from Buckingham Palace that the Queen has died.
Our school holds fast to its school vision and its heritage esteemed in royal history with its patron, St Margaret, herself a Scottish Queen, we mark this time of national mourning and of change in our country.
King Charles III has been proclaimed King. God Save the King.
On Monday 19th September the school will be closed as it is now a Bank Holiday, the day of the funeral.
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New School Year
Welcome to a new school year, whether you are joining us for the first time or returning to a new year group.
The first day for children will be Thursday 1st September.
Day 1 (Thursday): All parents and children for ALL YEAR GROUPS should come onto the main playground except for Nursery and Reception which should go to their classroom doors.
We have Welcome Ambassadors at the gates so please ask them if you are not sure where to go.
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Gold Award - Yes we did it!
As a school we earned the Gold School Games Award. Huge thank you to all the staff and pupils, but particularly Miss McGivern our PE lead and Miss Leigh our resident sports coach, who have encouraged us towards achieving the stringent criteria. Our children continue to be a credit to our school and it is always a joy to celebrate such broad talent in many areas. We participated in many inter school and intra-school activities. The football matches (both girls and boys), netball fixtures and practices are due to the great efforts of our parental support. Thank you Team St Margaret's.
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Extreme Heat
The Met Office have issued a warning for excessive temperatures on Monday and Tuesday.
The school is remaining open with the following changes:
- parents are asked to send their child to school with a water bottle (we will refresh during the day)
- parents are asked to consider applying sun screen before sending them in to school
- parents are asked to consider sending their child in with a named sun hat to wear outside
- parents are asked to consider, if they wish, for children to wear their PE kits if they think this will keep their child cooler. Our PE kit is Pale blue Polo shirt, back shorts, white or back socks, trainers. Highly recommended for Year 2 trip.
- lunch break will be moved earlier (as temperature increases during the day)
- lunch service will be cold food (to enable it to be consumed in colder parts of school and reduce heat creation in school)
- windows will be opened as early as possible before school to reduce air temperature, where fans are available these will be utilised
- when outside children will be encouraged to benefit from the natural shaded areas
- electrical devices will be turned off when not in use, including lighting, to reduce ambient temperature
- children's physical exertion will be reduced eg. Amount of time, wherever possible, particularly outside
Any queries please use Live Chat. Thank you.
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End of Year Report & Feedback
Your child will recieve their report by email from their child's teacher on Friday 15 July at 5pm.
You may discuss the report with your child's teacher at Parents' Open Evening on Monday 18 July 3.30 - 5.30pm.
During the open evening there will also be an opportunity for pupils to showcase their talents in music - see the newsletter for the running oder for this.
The following booklets have been provided by the DfE to exmplain the various statutory assessments.
Y4 Multiplication Check:
The following information provides links to comparative national data:
If your child does not have results for any of the assessments it will be because they are not working within the content of the national curriculum that is being assessed and has therefore been disapplied.
This will have been discussed with you prior to the assessments.
Should you have any queries about the end of yoear report these should be raised with your child's classteacher.
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End of Year Report & Feedback
Your child will recieve their report by email from their child's teacher on Friday 15 July at 5pm.
You may discuss the report with your child's teacher at Parents' Open Evening on Monday 18 July 3.30 - 5.30pm.
During the open evening there will also be an opportunity for pupils to showcase their talents in music - see the newsletter for the running oder for this.
The following booklets have been provided by the DfE to exmplain the various statutory assessments.
Y4 Multiplication Check:
The following information provides links to comparative national data:
If your child does not have results for any of the assessments it will be because they are not working within the content of the national curriculum that is being assessed and has therefore been disapplied.
This will have been discussed with you prior to the assessments.
Should you have any queries about the end of yoear report these should be raised with your child's classteacher.
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Summer Holiday programme released for our 3 week holiday provision. For more details see:
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Atrium Library is back for Years R, 1, 2 & 3
We want you to come along to the Atrium library when it reopens on Monday 13th June!
The library will be open every Monday and Thursday from 3.20pm – 3.35pm for children and parents in Reception, Year 1, 2 and 3.
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Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
We wanted to say to Her Majesty - congratulations on your 70th year as our Queen. We marked this by having two days of fun, reverence, participation and joy.
We made a huge 70 made of all the children and staff of St Margaret's.
This afternoon we had a wonderful Queen's Jubilee Concert to which we had guests of local residents, governors and of course our fantastic children who took us through the decades of Queen Elizabeth's reign in song.
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Skills Survey for Parents
Here is our survey for parents to voluntarily share their skills (such as work skills, skills in hobby or leisure). Complete one survey per parent. Survey Link Here: PARENT SKILLS SURVEY
Parental skills & work survey explained...
There are opportunities in our curriculum to use the knowledge and skills of our parents in the classroom. This might be to support a unit about ‘People who help us’. It might be to support the development of our Enterprise Week or careers education.
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Arrangements for Start and End of the day
Following the end of COVID Restrictions we have made changes to the arrangements for dropping pupils off in the morning and collecting them after school.
In the morning all pupils are dropped off at one of the gates on School Road -
- Nursery and Reception at the Main Pedestrian Gate (as before Easter).
- Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 at the Playground gates.
- Year 5 and Year 6 at the Pedestrian gate next to the car park.
After listening to some of our parents feedback this week, we reaslise that the end of the day has created some issues with all pupils leaving the school site on School Rd, due to the volume of trafffic and pedestrians in this area.
As such we have changed the arrangements for some pupils leaving school at 3.20.
- Nursery and Reception to be collected via the Main Pedestrian Gate and leave from the Nursery Gate.
- Classes 1LM & 2HJ to be collected via the Main Pedestrian Gate and leave from the Main Pedestrian Gate.
- Classes 1AL, 2CR, Year 3 and Year4 to be collected via the Playground Gate and leave from the Playground Gate.
- Year 5 and Year 6 to be collected via and leave from the Double Gates on Long Lane.
We will continue to review these arrangements to ensure families can drop off and collect children quickly and safely.
Thank you for your continued support.
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Bishop dedicates prayer space to support character education
Delighted that the Right Reverend Bishop of Warrington, Beverley Mason, opened our new three-class extension and dedicated our prayer space, the children asked great questions and appreciated her passion for women in leadership roles.
Our prayer spaces are central pillars to life in school and pupils tell us it supports their mental health and character virtues such as resilience. Our new space will have mental health leaders and additional resources pupils can turn to for support.
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Nativities All Going Online Only - No Face-to-Face Performances for Parents
Following the announcement this evening by the Prime Minister, we have reviewed the level of risk and determined that we will not be allowing parents to view any of our nativities this week in the hall face-to-face.
We regret that this has to be the case, however, we must all take the necessary steps to reduce the spread of the Omnicron virus and protect our NHS from being overwhelmed.
This is not what we wanted to do. We wanted to have you seeing your child in the hall, but at this point with the information we have been given, this could undermine all the efforts being put in place. We apologise for any invonvenience as you may have taken annual leave or made other arrangements to attend.
The nativity will be available to watch live via your child's Google Classroom account and a recording will also still be available to be viewed after the nativity, as originally planned, also on your child's Google Classroom.
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School Lunches
Warrington Borough Council are the school's lunch provider.
Pupils will continue to select their dinner option every morning. The menu is now posted on our school website included below for you to discuss the options with your child/children, with a ‘hot’ option or a sandwich each day (*Vegetarian options are available each day). Families who do not qualify for Free school Meals will need to pay for their children’s meals using ParentPay.
Should you have any queries regarding lunch choices that Warrington provide contact the school office.
Our current menu is:
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Return to School Information
We are so looking forward to having all our pupils back on Monday. Please note the newsletter issued earlier this week: NEWSLETTER NO 17
PDF GUIDANCE for back to school.
NURSERY LETTER about maintaining one nursery but operating across two rooms - continuing our successul pilot since January...i.e. no change!
Remember to bring Chromebooks, maths text books/packs and remote learning whiteboards/pens back in please as these are needed for teaching on Monday. Please wear face masks outside school gates.
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We're getting ready for World Book Day 2022 ...look what we did last year!
The Masked Reader Competition and more for World Book Day
Below were some great activities to get you 'bookish' in 2021. In case you are wondering - still no costumes this year (phew!) but pyjamas will be in use!
This year again we will be joining in with the celebrations for World Book Day - a day for sharing our love of books and the extraordinary adventures that stories can take us on.
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Please scroll down / see Covid Update page.
Log in with your SMCEPS account and will appear in the menu on Chromebook or on other devices in the nine-dot app menu (or click picture and select St Margaret's CE Primary School in drop down).
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Launched is our Christmas Reading Challenge. Such an exciting world of books out there for you to explore - which world will you be entering this Christmas...
Our Christmas top 3 reading ideas:
1. Make sure you join in our Christmas Reading Challenge: Christmas 'Recommend a Read' Christmas Challenge Information Prize draw closing date midnight 4th January 2021. Y1 - 6 Post your responses on the special 'Reccomend a Read' Google Classroom in your year group 'Classwork' area. YN & YR post your responses to your Tapestry account.
2. Get your hands on the December recommendations;
3. Make a new year pledge to put a treat on your daily 'to-do-list' - reading a new or favourite book!
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Are you one of our new Reception Starters in September 2023?
A huge welcome to all children who are starting in one of our Reception classes in September, along with their parents. This is our Reception Induction page.
We were delighted to be meeting you at our induction meetings next week - either Monday 12 or Tuesday 13 June.
Here are some other key dates for you:
Monday 22 May - parents of children who do not attend our nursery are invited to a welcome talk by the Headteacher
Monday 12 June - some Reception parents and children come to meet staff and find out about our setting, a letter has been sent out saying which session to attend
Tuesday 13 June - some Reception parents and children come to meet staff and find out about our setting, a letter has been sent out saying which session to attend
Wednesday 5 July - all new reception children will be invited in for a 40 mins transition session (without parents), the timings of the session will be sent/emailed out to you in a letter by Fri 23 June.
Monday 4 September - children will attend for either the morning or the afternoon on this day, the session to be attended will be sent emailed out to you in a letter by Fri 23 June.
Tuesday 5 September - all children will attend for the full day
Session details are within the Induction video below. Please take time to watch our Reception Induction Videos, whether you know our school or not. There is one that gives you key information and one is a tour of both classrooms.
You can use the pause button to be able to take in all the information.
Our Downloadable Information Pack is now available. All documents open in pdf.
Please return all forms to
Click on the image above or here to play the video:
Our latest E-book that you can use with your child to introduce them to school is available here:
And also available in video form:
Our latest E-book that you can use with your child to introduce them to school is available here:
And available in video form:
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Are you one of our new Nursery Starters in September 2023?
A huge welcome to all children who are starting in our nursery in September, along with their parents. This is our Nursery Induction page.
We are so looking forward to meeting you, finding about about the things you like doing and building a fantastic relationship together.
Please take time to watch our Nursery Induction Video, whether you know our school or not.
You can use the pause button to be able to take in all the information.
Our Downloadable Information Pack is now available. All documents open in pdf, hoever where this is a form for return it is available in MSWord.
You are invited to a short up to 20 minute welcome session.
Please return all forms either to
Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the school. At the moment using the Live Chat on the website will be the most effective method.
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Healthy Lunches & Snacks
At St Margaret's we encourage all children and adults to maintain a healthy balanced diet.
School Lunches
Our lunches are provided by Warrington Borough Council School Meals Service. The cost of a school lunch is £2.40.
The menu operates on a three week rotation. We publish the rotation on the school newsletter, emailed out to all subscribers.
The menu can be downloaded from here: SCHOOL LUNCH MENU - AUTUMN & WINTER 2019/2020
Some children bring to school packed lunches. We encourage all parents to make healthy choices when putting together a packed lunch.
Healthy Snacks
The school provides a snack trolley at lunchtime. This term the School Parliament have already undertaken a review of the sugar, salt and fat content of the items the school sells to ensure that they are enabling children to make healthy choices.
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Courageous Advocacy - Suzanna's Thanks
Following Year 6 choosing to raise money for a baby rescue centre in Nairobi,, the children exceeded all expectations as they achieved over £815 to provide essential nursing equipment.
Suzanna Bastable, on behalf of the trustees and staff, came to visit Year 6 to explain the great hope the centre gives to hundreds of babies born wither as orphans or to parents with HIV. The work of the Christian rescue centre, New Life Home Trust, continues to thrive through the work of such fnd raising and the staff have benfited from two high specification inspection lamps ungently needed.
Here is Suzanna saying thank you to our Year 6 as her older children take out the two medical inspection lamps this August.
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Back to School with Jesse
We were delighted to have Jesse Lingard into school last halfterm to coach our children as he returned back to us as his former primary school.
Thanks to Mr Cummins and the football team participation a great afternoon saw Jesse referree games and participate with the children, promoting football with the Manchester United Foundation.
Click on the picture below to go to further information on the Man U Foundation site.
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At St Margaret's we take the stance that all of us our God's children, created in the image of God, upholding the biblical scriptures in accordance with the school's Trust Deed.
We do not directly or indirectly intend to exclude any person from our school based on any of the protective characteristics. This includes a persons beliefs, identity or view.
To supoport this we are working towards achieving the Rainbow Flag Award to demonstrate our commitment to preventing bullying of certain sections of our community. For more information visit:
JUSTICE FORTNIGHT - Wed 27 Feb to Wed 13 March
As part of our Justice Week - 'Fair Treat-Fair Trade' we will be exploring with our older pupils how society responds to different views of sexuality, sexual orientation religious belief and political views and how this is interpreted with the protected characteristics and British Values.
All work in school is inline with the expectations of the Liverpool Diocese.
Return to this page to see examples of our work.
Please click on the following links to LGBT advice.
Valuing All God’s Children (2017)
Guidance for Church of England schools to prevent homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying.
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Focusing on Geography and Culture, families joined us for two hours of fun and learning as they completed an orienteering course with age expected knowledge of countries and their features (such as capital cities). Children made different types of bread from around the world, they made biscuits to represent different flags as well as the opportunity to make from scratch a curry base (to add meat or veg to at home) and chippatis.
A fantastic evening was attended by a record number of parents - we think over 300!
Families took part in activities within four zones that promoted healthy lifestyles, online safety, anti-bullying and being safe with our national 'Kid Safe' programme.
We ran a competition during the event for family tickets into local and regional attractions ncluding family trip to the zoo, swimming, or cinema
Look at our Twitter feed for photos of the event.
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New Non-Smoking Policy
The school is consulting on a new non-smoking policy that the PSHE Team have developed. This is to improve the air enviromnment as well as prevention of smoking behaviours within children later in their lives.
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Parental Satisfaction Survey
Please find HERE a link to the results of our parent satisfaction survey.
We are pleased that from the 195 responses on parents evening they continue to show that:
100% parents agree that their child is happy at St Margaret's.
100% parents would recommend St Margaret's to another parent.
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The OFSTED Report Letter from February 2018 is shown below:
Letter from Headteacher & Chair of Governors:
Dear Parents and Carers
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The Home and School Agreement found in every child’s planner, clearly sets out the expectations for pupils, parents and the school in how we can best work together to ensure that our children achieve an exciting, impactful education and enjoy their time at St Margaret’s.
The most important part of this agreement focuses how we can support our children in getting the most from the first part of their learning journey.
This means the best way to achieve success is for all of us to collaborate in supporting our children in their learning and prepare them for the future and their lives beyond St Margaret’s.
We now have access to programs that give our children more opportunities to develop their learning outside the classroom. Parent’s can support their child’s learning by making sure the programs are used regularly at home.
We would like to ask you to consider these three simple steps to support us in ensuring all our pupils are able to…Step Up to Success!
1. Step up reading
2. Step up maths
3. Step up ...with homework
Use our online STEP UP TOOLS. All available from our Learn Online website page.
For more information and downloads of flyer and leaflet look here:
A4 SIMPLE STEP UP FLYER (explains the tools)
STEP UP LEAFLET (explains why)
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Hopes and Dreams
October found our pupils exploring their future employment and career opportunities during our BOLD Cluster 'Hopes and Dreams' events. It included visits to Chester University, service personnel; vets, fire fighters, police, NHS, those with talents in catering, artistic dance and sports at Warrington Wolves.
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Mastery Maths Research
We were delighted to be asked to provide one of seven research teachers to a research project being led by Deep Learning TSA and Unversity of Cumbria.
Paula Spenceley, a Specialist Leader of Education with Warrington Teaching School Alliance, was asked to support the project, including providing model lessons for video distribution for professional development.
A copy of the full report is here: FULL REPORT OF MASTERY RESEARCH
and Paula's lesson can be seen here: PAULA SPENCELEY'S LESSON
Paula delivers training for Deep Learning and Warrington Teaching School Alliance. If you would like to receive further information please contact WTSA using the details in our Partnership tab menu on this website.
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Kenyan Visitors
We were delighted to host 10 Kenyan's from Thika Diocese. Fr Daniel celebrated Eucharist with Year 3 - Year 6 pupils and we were joined by the worship teams from four other schools.
Our children found out about their churches and homes and were able to make comparisons. Some children asked some challenging questions about how they encouraged people to attend church in East Africa (not an issue in Kenya where they come in their hundreds!).
Our own worship group treated our visitors to a sandwich lunch before they went to their afternoon programme of events.
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Winners Performance!
As winners of the primary ensemble group for Warrington and Halton at the Parr Hall: Accent Music Hub Competition; St Margaret's Strings Out Loud were delighted to participate in the prestigious Love Music Concert last Sunday afternoon.
It was a super afternoon and our children played exceptionally well! Thank you Mrs McAuslan for bringing out our children's talent!
Click here for more PHOTOS
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Outstanding Section 48 SIAMS Inspection
The governors, staff, parents and pupils are proud to have been judged OUTSTANDING in ALL FOUR AREAS at the end of a Section 48 SIAMS Inspection on Thursday 8th December.
A rigorous and robust inspection that included: lesson observations, observation of Collective Worship, review of school RE data, meetings with teachers, subject leaders, governors and parents as well as a substantial amount of time spent talking, listening and evaluating the impact of our provision on children.
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Inter-Act Nativity
This is your chance to get a selfie with Mary, Joseph, the Inn-Keeper, Angel Gabriel, one of the Shepherds or a Wise Man!
On Tuesday and Thursday after school, during our Infant Library time, parents are invited to bring their children in and use the dressing up clothes to become a Nativity character.
You can then take a selfie-picture of yourself with the your son or daughter as a character in our stable back-drop. It would make a super Christmas card/gift? If you post on social media please hashtag #interactnativity
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THRIVE 2020 - New 4 Year Strategy
The headteacher launched a new 4 Year Strategy for St Margaret's at the Governor and Staff Conference last night.
The strategy looks at three main themes in order for it to enable children to 'be the best they can be.' It builds on its success during the last few years and uses the latest research to make child's abilities, whether more able or additional need, the centre of our work.
It also looks at how we build partnerships with local schools including, how we harness the opportunities from forming a Diocesan multi-academy trust.
Principal themes are:
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Summer Reading Challenge - Roald Dahl
We are setting the children a Summer Challenge this year all linked to Roald Dahl. It is his birthday in September and we are going to visit Tatton Hall in which there are featured activities all about his books.
To prepare for this we are encouraging children to tke part in our Summer Challenge. Completed challenge sheets should be returned to school on the first day back with an opportunity to win a Kindle!
Further information can be found on:
Whole School Summer Challenge sheet
Year group specific sheets can be found here:
New Year 1 | New Year 2 | New Year 3
New Year 4 | New Year 5 | New Year 6
Good luck with all your reading, book reviewing and making/designing!
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Outstanding writers!
Waterstones, through BCA’s support, hosted the second annual celebration of the BOLD’s Year 5 Talented Writers project. Outstanding writing from St Margaret's was shared through green screen technology for parents, staff and two wonderful children’s authors; Cathy Cassidy and Curtis Jobling! During the evening children learned from their ‘adopted’ authors how they pursued their careers in writing – daydreaming and following your hobbies their two key ingredients!
Guests and participants after the event said:
“It was my absolute pleasure to attend the BOLD writers literary celebration. As a Warrington lad, it had me bristling with pride to see so many children who grew up in the same town as me, taking those early steps with their creative writing that quickly became great strides. The quality of work was superb, and the future is bright and BOLD for Warrington’s future storytellers and talespinners. Congratulations to all the boys and girls who took part, and heartfelt thanks to all the teachers and parents who supported them.” CJx @curtisjobling on Twitface
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Happy Birthday Your Majesty
The school celebrates the Queen's 90th Birthday this week. 500 children have a special assembly that showed the key memories of the decades of her reign. We then had a school picnic with musical bumps and statutues!
{oziogallery 1007}
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Year 6 SATs Information Evening
Please see below a video of the PowerPoint slides used during the information evening.
Whilst there were some sample papers viewed by parents on the evening, we have provided here a link to the example papers on the government website.
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Fantastic writers used the opportunity of a Wizzard of Oz theme day to get some great writing. Visit their classroom to see their wonderful words!
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Now with over 20 students practicing on a Wednesday after school, our Strings Out Loud performed their Christmas repertoire to the school. If you are interested in joining them see Mrs Mcauslan in school.
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What a fantastic term we have had with our topic ‘Scrumpdiddlyumptious ‘. During the term we have visited Kenyon Hall Farm to find out about the seasonality of fruits and vegetables. We have made our own fabulous fruit smoothies and even made delicious homemade bread. Our book has been ‘Charlie and the Chocolate factory’ and the children have been rewarded with ‘golden tickets’ for a surprise next half term. Finally we finished with a vegetable orchestra choir! What fun we had!!!!
Enjoy Half term Mrs Makin and Mr Lankertis
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Warrington Town Football Manager Inspires League Winners!
Nationally acclaimed Warrington Town Football Manager, Shaun Reid, today addressed pupils and parents as he presented the football team members with awards from winning the Warrington Football League.
Proud parents and child listened as Shaun inspired the talented team onto further football success as he presented a trophy and medals for all the team members.
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Read more: Warrington Town Football Manager Inspires League Winners!
Results Show Impact On School Priority!
The school's children and staff are celebrating really successful reading results again this year. As you know, reading has been a priority and, as a result of improved teaching and further support from parents, children in Year 6 achieved 91% Level 4 and above with 35% of children achieving Level 5.
Our children (and staff) should be congratulated in these extremely good results!
With our ambitious team we look forward to building of these results next year.
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Outstanding Writers!
Following twenty weeks of preparation, with fortnightly visits at Beamont Collegiate Academy's English Dept, the BOLD partnership celebrated wonderful outstanding primary writers in Waterstones' Book Shop ( Warrington). Our seven Year 5 writers developed some fantastic stories and attended the event, meeting authors Cathy Cassidy and John Meyhew.
Look athe BOLD website (managed by St Margaret's) for further information: BOLD
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Tell Us Your Views - Parent Questionnaire 2016-2017
The Governing Body is keen to gather the views of parents again. Questionnaire booklets were completed during parents eveninmg on 11 January and are also available from the school office. You can contribute through an online version which asks the same questions using the link here: The questionnaire will be available until 20 January. Thank you to those who have aleady taken part.
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Parent Forum
We have a Parent Forum to hear the views of parents and to look at ways we can improve. These are held at least termly on Friday mornings at 9.00am during the Friday Café time.
I am pleased that we now have a group of eleven parents who have agreed to share their views. If you would like to join them please email me at:
If you have something you would like considered for the Parent Forum please put it in the Comments Box by the front office or email me it. Mark it clearly for Parent Forum.
The Parent Forum set the dates to coincide wiith Friday Cafe (9.00 - 10.00am). These are published on the website calendar (under Communications tab).
Mrs Meager
Feedback from No 10 meeting
Residential visits: There was discussion whether there could be a payment scenario that accrued payments well before, ideally in other the year before.
Bikeability: There was a request whether there could be additional bikeability sessions perhaps after school for younger children.
The forum reflected on the year. Mr Metcalfe shared that he was pleased with the results this year and the forum expressed that they were pleased with the work they had undertaken.
Feedback from No 9 meeting
Suncream: It was asked whether staff could apply suncream to children when it gets hot. HT explained that many suncreams work for long periods and even waterproof so there is no reason why parents could not apply before coming into school. This would avoid any issues of some creams being used by children who may have allergies. It was agreed that PTA would provide some general advice for parents on non-alergic suncream to support school.
Parent Forum Poster: Still needs to be undertaken and displayed. Needs to have next forum date on it so will last throughout the years. Needs to be marketed in a 'Parents Update and Views Session' as parents felt Parent Forum could be seen to be too formal.
Y6 Activity Week: Was raised that Y6 had not had bell boating yet - HT to follow up with admin to check on dates.
Sports Day: Feedback from last year was very well received and parents really liked the use of the whole site around the school. The HT confirmed it worked well from a staff perspective too and therefore agreed to go with the new format again this year (hopefully leaving out the inside hall if fine weather).
PTA: This needs new members and so agreed to have a Welcome to Friends/PTA meeting on Wed 13th September 6.30pm, possibly with fizzy orange juice!
PTA Tuckshop: It was suggested that the PTA could run a tuck shop. It was considered that if only once a week then it would be fine to still be a healthy school as most families go to icecream man anyway. We could offer healthier options e.g. icepops than icecream. One member agreed to do the puchasing from Costco and run it. Need a freezer.
FACEBOOK: School has a facebook. Fed by its twitter feed. Parents raised that not all photos could be enlarged in facebook. HT to look at settings. PTA have a facebook therefore felt no need to have a seperate Parent Forum one. Agreed to market the sites on bottom of forum poster.
Feedback from No 8 meeting
Maths: The meeting began with a short presentation from Mrs Spenceley, the school's maths subject leader, about the new approach to mastery maths; specifically Singapore. Discussion included the overview of the principles, that it was based on international research and the resources available for parents in the use of the videos. There was also a good discussion that took place about how we teach multiplication.
Action: Miss Spencely to put maths parent videos on school website.
Minor accidents: Communication with home was raised and Mr Metcalfe was asked to consider reviewing what action school takes when notifyoing parents about minor accidents at lunchtime for older children. A slip is in use, however, perhaps how these are used needs a review.
Action: Mr Metcalfe agreed to review the process.
School trips: The cost of school trips is reportedly coming out too late. Pupils do not always bring home letters. Could the school look at an estimate of costs across a year? Mr Metcalfe said that reception had tried this last year and would look at how this can be taken forward.
Action: Mr Metcalfe to look at how the longer plan for trips can be shared more quickly.
Parent Forum Dates: Parent forum dates to be put onto a poster to be put up in parent noticeboards.
Feedback from No 7 meeting
On the first day of snow in Warrington the Friday Cafe hosted the planned Parent Forum. We discussed and agred the following:
Holiday Pattern :Parents noted the diffeence in holiday prices during term time but due to the week and a few days on the half-term it enabled two families present to book cheaper time periods and therefore appreciated this.
Parents Evening Layout : Parents wanted to see more space from the waiting area from the parents who were talking to parents. Mr Metcalfe agreed to open up the Learning Resource Area adjacent to the hall to enable the tables to be more spread out at the next meeting.
Online Safety : Parents discussed the Keep Safe Anti-bullying Week in November and Mr Metcalfe informed them that posters were now put into the childrens toilets to promote online safety, making use of every opportunity to reinforce key messages.
Dress Up Days : Parents appreciated the option of children bringing a topical item in rather than the dress up expectations for theme days.
Publication of Parent Forum Dates : Whilst dates for the year went on this page and also on school facebook it was agreed that a poster be put up in some of the noticeboards and text out to parents a few days before. It was also discussed that some parents are very busy and find it hard to come to Friday Cafe. Dates of Friday Cafe to also go on the poster.
Feedback from No 6 meeting
This meeting coincided with Children in Need but unfortunately the weather was deadful and we only had a smaller number turn out - thank you to those who did. We talked about:
- Employability Curriculum
St Margaret's is leading a local network (BOLD) to develop an Employability Curriculum to compliment the version they will use at BCA high school. Mr Metcalfe explained that he was looking for parents who could help such as those who work in companies etc with some of the activities and also to help design the programme. This would also comliment our Enrichment Curriculum that will include a family STEM club after school in the new term.
- KeepSafe Week (Anti-bullying and Online Safety)
Parents were told about a Kidsafe Week which is part of Anti-bullying Week but focussing on Online Safety too. There will be an online prtfolio of the activities undertaken.
- Grant Application
Mr Metcalfe's secretary is liaisng with GD Funding to access up to £10k towards an envirnment project. Mr Metcalfe will be seeking a contribution of £250 from the PTA towards the cost of application.
- Why low turn out at Meet the Teacher and Video Messaging
There was a very low turn out this year to the Meet the Teacher meetings. Mr Metcalfe sought the reasons from the forum. They identified that it was due to: parents already know the school well, they are meeting on a 1:1 with teachers two weeks time from the general meeting, if they came last year they felt they didn't need to come again, the time was not always convenient such as shirft workers.
Mr Metcalfe explained that he had spoken to the Governing Body about it and considered the use of video messaging, via text or email nesletter distribution, might help parents gain information followed up by opportunity for Question and ANswer (perhaps at Friday Cafe or after school). The Parent Forum thought this was an excellent idea. Mr Metcalfe explained he is not from the BBC/ITV so parents will need to understand - and request to promote this with the parent body.
- Set the dates for the remainder of the year
The Parent Forum set the dates to coincide wiith Friday Cafe (9.00 - 10.00am) of:
Friday 10 February 2017, Friday 26 May, Friday 14 July.
Feedback from No 5 meeting
Unfortunately had to be cancelled.
Feedback from no 4 meeting
- school discipline policy
Every year the Governors have to approve the school's discipline policy. To check it is effective, from parental viewpoint, Mr Metcalfe brought it to the Parent Forum. Parents looked at it and they felt that behaviour was usually very good and that based on this the policy seems to work. Parents said that if they weren't happy they would come and and it is dealt with.
- new assessment approach
Mr Metcalfe gave parents information about how we do our new assessments and what the new termly reports (slightly tweaked) would look like. Parents thought it sounded sensbile.
Feedback from No 3 meeting
- appointment of first Parent Forum Chair
The Forum appointed Mrs Joanne Hones as Forum Chair.
- recap on uniform
Mr Metcalfe confirmed that the uniform would not be changing.
- Academy Status
Mr Metcalfe explained that a number of school were looking at becoming an academy. When asked whether we would go with BCA, Mr Metcalfe explained that we couldn't as BCA is not in a church multi-academy trust but one with the Collegaite. Parents asked to be kept informed if there were any developments.
Feedback from No 2 meeting
We took the opportunity at the end of the year to review the progress of the school, or end of year processes and ny actions taken from the previous parents forum meeting.
- follow up to Breaktime Tuckshop
Mr Metcalfe agreed at the last meeting that the school would look into providing fruit. He had discussed wthis with the school kitchen and storage of fruit is a key issue. The cost too from the kitchen would be much more than at a supermarket. Mr Metcalfe is making contact with Longford Nurseries to see if they have a good supplier.
- standards
Mr Metcalfe informed the parent forum of the outcomes at the End of Key Stage 2, KS1 and phonics Year 1. They noted the improvements in all areas and had also seen these improvements in other areas of the school.
- library opening
Mr Metcalfe explained that the opening will take place on Monday and that parents are welcome to come and see the new library during Open Evening, also on Monday
- End of Year Reports
Some parents expressed concern regarding their lack of understanding of the A - E system used on the report. Whilst mr Metcalfe explained that there is a leaflet that explains this, it was agreed that the use of text within the report could explain the grading e.g. 'George has been given a B for achievement because... to get an A George will need to show...'
- homework
There was strong requests from parents not to set homework during holidays. They appreciated the family time without additional demands. Mr Metcalfe agreed to not send homeowrk home during the three main holidays. He explained that children need to keep reading, which was appreciated by parent forum, and that the school may send home competitions and initiatives to support learning e.g. libabry schemes. This was supportd by the parent forum.
- request for outdoor picnic area/seating area to have shade
Parents requested the school to consider providing shade over the picnic table area for sunny days. This was noted by members of the PTA who said that they could make this their next project. This was agreed.
- St Roccos Partnership
The school chaplain and parish vicar, Rev Canon Stephen Boyd, spoke to the parents about the highly positive messages he had received independently from St Roccos about the project we are beginning with the hospice.
Feedback from our first meeting
We discussed the following agenda items which were pre-announced on this webpage:
- improving our school uniform
Mr Metcalfe raised that from conversations with some people that the light blue polo shirt did not help children to look smart. One view was that it looked washed-out. It was proposed that the colour could change to either golden to go with the school badge and same as nursery or royal blue and blend with the sweatshirt. At this stage the school order had been placed for reception so it could not change tioll next year but Mr Metcalfe wanted to start the conversation to see what parents thought. The members of the forum had mixed views. It was decided that it would be re-visited at a future parents forum, possibly after canvassing the views of a wider group.
- what you would like to see offered at breaktime tuckshop
Mr Metcalfe provided the range of foods and drinks offered at the breaktime tuck shop. It was noted that the items were available from local supermarkets but the school tried to provide it at cost. It was raised by members whether the school could provide fruit. Mr Metcalfe agreed that a fruit option would be good, but not easy to store so he would look at the feasibility of this and perhaps work with local suppliers once a week or once a month.
- homework approach
Mr Metcalfe was keen to find out the views of parents about the amount of homework being sent home and specifically how children and parents are responding to the comprehension approach started in September. All the parents said that their children were managing the amount of homework, even though it had increased, and that they did manage to do the comprehension. The standard approach to the comprehension expectation was appreciated as parent knew what to expect. Their children did need to get used to it but after a few weeks were managing it well.
- parent support in developing their child's reading, spelling, maths
Mr Metcalfe asked if parents wanted any additional support in helping support their child's learning e.g. workshops etc. It was said that parents found the 'Mad Hatter's' maths evening really good and helpful so could the school do another one. Mr Metcalfe said he would take it back to the leadership team to look at planning another event.
Parents were asked if they wished to raise anything else but they felt they had nothing further to add and said they liked having the meeting.
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Warrington Wolves players visit school
We had a big WOW factor as two players joined our school during an assembly. Wolfie and the community coach also joined us to bring the message of healthy fitness and participation in sport being important to healthy lifestyles.
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Year 3 Winter Warmer (in Spring!)
With Active Hope, the Christian charity specialising in providing outdoor education, our Year 3 went to the SMILE building for intro activities, Delamare Forest and a Baptist Church for Breakfast.
The pictures are here...
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Manga High Year 6 Maths Online
If you forget your password please ask your parents to email Mr Metcalfe:
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Enrichment Day: E-Safety
On Tuesday 10 February the school is holding its next Enrichment Day on E-safety.
During the day children will take part in drama, video work and online activities promoting good safety practice online. We have our PCSO visiting classrooms and leading four assemblies to get the message through.
In the evening at 6.30pm PC Burgess will be giving a Parents' Information Evening - all parents should try to attend.
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Outstanding Chapel Choir
Our Chapel Choir performed at St Elphin's and St Margaret's Churches on Tusday and Wednesday evening as part of two Christmas Carol Concerts/Services. They sang beautifully and received thunderous applause.
Abbie Lucock represented our school in clearly reading a gospel. Well done to al who took part.
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Christmas Jumper Day
We were proud of all our children and staff as they participated in our 'Save the Children' Christmas Jumper Day on Friday.
Here are some photos of the event!
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Maths Learning Summit
Our school is part of a cluster with six other schools called Innov8ed. They are holding a Maths Learning Summit in which children from each participating school will be talking about how they have use manipulatives to support their learning. Staff, governors and guests have been invited to this event that St Margaret's are hosting in their SMILE conference hall.
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Antibullying Week
We all have a responsibility to act against bullying. In school we have been having an anti-bullying week.
In our whole school workshop by the Magic Club of Great Britain (see picture below), our children have been learning about bullying and learning that bullying is STOP: Several Times On Purpose.
Please can I draw your attention to the document titled 'Advice for parents and carers on cyberbullying'.
The document is a recent publication from the Department for Education and offers very useful advice and guidance as well as links to helpful websites. There is also a list of contact details for various social networking sites.
Please take the time to familiarise yourself with what has fast become a huge area of concern.
Do you know of a child who is being bullied - perhaps by a child in school, in another school or out of school...PLEASE 'TELL SOMEONE'.
Who can you tell? Contact Mrs Brown, our Pastoral Manager, your child's class teacher or ANY member of staff.
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New Bishop of Liverpool Visits
Our children's Worship Council were delighted to welcome Bishop Paul, the new Bishop of Liverpool to a whole school Eucarist service. Children read from the bible, sang and acted out scenes to bring the service alive.
Bishop Paul spoke with the children and remarked how engaged our children are and how well they participated.
At the end of the service Bishop Paul was presented with a framed letter from the Worship Council and had tea with parents.
(Photos taken by Diocesan Communications)
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Chapel Choir performs to Mayor
Eleven children from our Chapel Choir were invited to perform to the Mayor of Warrington during the annual presentation of certificates to Warrington's Music Ambassador Schools. St Margaret's has been an Ambassador School since 2011 and is delighted to work with Accent Music Hub in supporting music education in primary schools. The school is currently developing a music teachers' centre to develop resources for use in classrooms.
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The school is very pleased to be awarded the judgement of GOOD in EVERY area by a team of three inspectors earlier last term.
Good in Teaching and Learning, Good in Pupil Achievement, Good in Behaviour and Safety, Good in Leadership and Management.
Despite the OFSTED inspection process becoming increasingly challenging the the staff team have shown through quality teaching, some of which was outstanding, that the children make good progress in our school.
A copy of the report can be viewed on OFSTED's website or downloaded from below:
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