inset graceFlourishing Children, Flourishing Schools Conference

We were delighted to host for the schools in the Grace Hub and other local schools in the diocese, our first conference to further develop Christian education in our Warrington Church of England Schools.

Key note speaker, Andy Wolfe, lead sessions in the morning and afternoon, as well as contributions from Lou Morley (Diocesan RE Consultant) and Lesley Dennison (Diocesan Collective Worship Consultant).

The day unpacked three of five key themes in Andy's latest book; purpose, teaching and wellbeing in a flourishing school system.  Lou Morley's session took us through the developments of the new Diocesan RE Syllabus recently launched by Blackburn Diocese, and Lesley got us to think more deeply about the place of class-based collective worship and spiritual renewal through this.Flourishing Children Schools 1

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