wiguOur Family Themed Night - When I Grow Up...

We have run these successful events in the past (pre-COVID) and children and parents have said how great they are, so we are doing them again!

All children need to be accompanied by an adult.  After school, children will be given a Competition Passport.  There are many activities to take part in, though to enter the competition you must do 5 of them.  Winners get hampers of food worth £25!

Activities include: 

A Scientist: Go to 6CM to conduct a WOW science experiment.

A Chef or Nutritionist: Go to the Large Hall to cook a delicious marinara spaghetti sauce. Or make a healthy fruit kebab.

An Environmentalist and Artist: Go to 3SV to make a beautiful 3D fish from recycled materials to decorate our outdoor prayer space.

An Explorer: Go to the main playground to join in the orienteering task around the school grounds.

A Cyber Security Officer : Go to the LRA and meet with a Policer Officer to find out all about online safety.

A Politician: Go to the outside debating area and answer the ‘Big Question’ of the day. Cast your vote in the ballot box.

A Photographer or Influencer: Go to the Small Hall And dress up as your favourite chosen profession. Then take a photograph or video for our Twitter Feed or your Google Classroom

Plus many more..

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