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School Address

St Margaret's CE Primary School,  School Road,  Orford,  Warrington,  WA2 9AD.

Tel: 01925 634207.  Fax: 01925 243342.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Visiting School Site & SMILE Centre

If you are planning on visiting St Margaret's then please read the following information which derives from and is in step with our policies on Child Protection, Initial Teacher Education and Heath & Safety for the benefit of pupils, staff and visitors at this school. Our ultimate aim is to provide a safe and secure learning environment for all pupils and staff. This school values the contributions made by visitors, which enhance the learning environment and simultaneously recognises the need for procedures which safeguard all members of the school community. St Margaret's seeks to encourage contributions from the wider community to enrich the curriculum, worship, assembly etc. In addition we strive to provide opportunities for those considering a career in education to develop in a progressive school.

Ahead of Proposed Visit

  • The Head of School must be made aware of any potential visit by an outside agency or individual via the school office.
  • Following confirmation that the visit may take place, visitors should sign in at one of the receptions on arrival and wait there until they are met by the staff member responsible for the visit.
  • Visitors to school are advised to park outside the school grounds, safely and courteously for our neighbours.  Visitors to the SMILE Centre may use the visitors car park.

DBS Clearance

Any visitor whose purpose requires them to be left unsupervised in the presence of children must have DBS clearance. This should be verified prior to the date of their visit and requires notification with Mrs McGuiness, the Enquiries and Admissions Secretary at the earliest possible convenience.  You will be asked and MUST show your Enhanced DBS Clearance Certificate prior to working unsupervised, and even if this is provided you may still be accompanied for the duration of your visit.

Disabled Access

If you have a disability you are requested to make this know to our admin staff so that any potential barriers you may encounter are reduced wherever possible.  You may choose to notify staff when making an initial enquiry to visit.  We have disabled parking available.  Some exit buttons within the school have been raised in height to prevent child use, to exit the building we respectlfully request you ask staff for assistance if necessary. Should you have any queries please raise this initially with the Enquiries Secretary.

Fire Alarm

Visitors must report to Administrative staff on the playground in the event of an emergency evacuation.

During the Visit

  • Visitors must sign in at reception and wear a badge so that it is clearly visible.
  • Visitors here for informal observation should not attend morning briefing.
  • Visitors without DBS clearance will remain with a member of staff at all times.
  • Visitors should return their badge on departure
  • Visitors must ensure that they adhere to the following dress code:

Dress Code

Dress is dependent upon the purpose of the visit. Visitors who are in school in a professional capacity, for example Police, Armed Forces, may clearly wear clothes/uniform associated with their profession. Any visitor whose purpose is to observe/teach classes should dress according to the school's expectations.  Ask if you are not sure.

Footwear should be the traditional office shoe. Trainers/Pumps are not acceptable, except for those involved in teaching Dance or PE.

Any person either without a badge or unrecognised may be challenged by staff and politely asked as to the purpose of their presence on site.


You MUST sign the Visitors Book on arrival.

In signing the book you are recognising and agreeing to the expectations of Visitors / Contractors as below:

All visitors on school business, including supply staff, volunteers and contractors, are required to:

  • Note information in the relevant ‘Guide for…’ leaflet
  • Wear a visitors / contractors badge (returning it on leaving) or wear ID card.
  • Put mobile phone on silent.
  • Be familiar with the school’s Fire Evacuation and Bomb Evacuation Procedure.
  • Be aware of the name and location of the school’s First Aiders / Fire Wardens.
  • Be aware of the name and location of your contact in school, notifying them if you have any concerns.
  • Not smoke anywhere on the school site, at any time.
  • Demonstrate full DBS clearance or declare to school office staff that no DBS information is available.

The Headteacher (or designate) has the right to seek the removal and to prohibit from the school site any person whose presence constitutes a risk to the safety or well-being of any member of the school community.

Contractors when signing are declaring they have noted the school’s Safeguarding Policy, Health & Safety Policy incl. Asbestos Risk Assessment, Fire Risk Assessment, Legionella Risk Assessment, Lone Working Policy & other relevant policies. (Under Policies page of website)

You should complete the Contractor Assessment Questionnaire prior to commencement of work to assist the school in assessing your suitability to undertake the work.

They must work within safe practices including those specified by the local authority & HSE, identifying any potential risks to a Senior Member of Staff prior to commencing work.

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