Test & Term Datestest


Weddings, holidays with extended family, special treats can and must be booked during school holidays - not term time!

It is a offence to have unlawful leave from school and if prosecuted may result in a criminal record.



Reception children will be assessed in the first three weeks in September for national baseline.

Year 6 SATS WEEK 2024: Government timetabled from Monday 13th May to Thursday 16th May 2024. No Year 6 pupil may be absent from school during this week.

Year 4 Government Times Tables Tests 2024: Monday 3 June for 3 weeks

Year 2 Government Tests 2024: Month of May

Year 1 Government Phonics Test 2024: Week beginning 10 June 2024

adobe pdf logoTERM DATES 2023-2024

When setting term dates governors take in to consideration the local authority suggested dates (which differ from the national local government suggestion) and also the dates from Beamont Collegiate Academy to which most parents send their children to high school (which also differs from the local authority dates) and those set by other local authorities regionally.



Please do not use the standard term dates published on Warrington's website. They do not apply to our school.

Reception children will be assessed in the first three weeks in September for national baseline.

Year 6 SATS WEEK 2024: Government timetabled from Monday 12th May to Thursday 15th May 2025. No Year 6 pupil may be absent from school during this week.

Year 4 Government Times Tables Tests 2025: Monday 2 June for 3 weeks

Year 2 Government Tests 2025: Month of May

Year 1 Government Phonics Test 2025: Week beginning 9 June 2025

adobe pdf logoTERM DATES 2024-2025

When setting term dates governors take in to consideration the local authority suggested dates (which differ from the national local government suggestion) and also the dates from Beamont Collegiate Academy to which most parents send their children to high school (which also differs from the local authority dates) and those set by other local authorities regionally.



Please do not use the standard term dates published on Warrington's website. They do not apply to our school.

Reception children will be assessed in the first three weeks in September for national baseline.

Year 6 SATS WEEK 2024: Government timetabled from Monday 11th May to Thursday 14th May 2026. No Year 6 pupil may be absent from school during this week.

Year 4 Government Times Tables Tests 2026: Wednesday 3 June till Wednesday 10 June

Year 2 Government Tests 2026: Month of May

Year 1 Government Phonics Test 2026: Week beginning 8 June 2025

adobe pdf logoTERM DATES 2025-2026

When setting term dates governors take in to consideration the local authority suggested dates (which differ from the national local government suggestion) and also the dates from Beamont Collegiate Academy to which most parents send their children to high school (which also differs from the local authority dates) and those set by other local authorities regionally.

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