Services @ SMILE

We are now fully operational as a training and meeting venue.

Are you looking for a conference venue, a meeting room, or a study space, SMILE will be right for you or your organisation.  The SMILE Centre is a facility managed by St Margaret's CE Primary School.

Current training providers using the SMILE Centre are:

liverpooldiocese wtsa ey2p logo  kidsafe cofeflel HSinC bpnlogo WBC

All initial enquiries for bookings and lettings should be made to the Support Services Manager, Mrs Yvonne Leigh (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

The centre is overseen by Penny Harland, the School Business Manager (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and is supported by our admin apprentice.

Facilities include:

- new event registration with mobile quick access

- centre front desk staff to welcome delegates

- dedicated refreshments lounge including hot and cold drinks

- catering for breakfasts, lunches and twilights

- quality conference furniture

- free dedicated secure wifi

- up to date internet-enabled touch screen in each meeting room and projector in hall

- meeting / training resources e,g, flip charts, whiteboards

Rooms available:

- Conference Hall : accomodates up to 80 - 120 people depending upon layout (80 cabaret style, 120 lecture style)

- Hub 1: accomodates up to 20 people (20 people boardroom style or cabaret style)

- Hub 2: accomodates up to 20 people (20 people boardroom style or cabaret style)

- Resource Room 1 : fully equipped music resource room

- Resource Room 2 : fully equipped DT/IT classroom

- Library room : lounge style that accomodates 20 people

- Personal study spaces : in break out areas or specific small rooms

The SMILE Centre is also home to a Christian outdoor and adventurous education provider called Active Hope and a nursery provider St Margaret's Play Group (Little Bears).  There is also a resource rooms for specialist music and specialist DT/ICT.  In a seperate part of the site is also delivered the school's wrap-around-care in after-school club and holiday club.

Curent prices for till August 2022:

Occassional Users - Room Hire Only

  Half Day Full Day
Board/Meeting Room for up to 20 people    
Conference Hall for up to 120 people    
Resource/Meeting/Classroom up to 30 people    

Regular High Volume Users - Room Hire Only

(such as Generate Hub/School Direct, Local Authority, Active Hope the rate is reduced)

If you would like regular use please contact Yvonne Leigh.

Room Hire Only prices are exclusive of VAT and may vary during the pandemic as different room sizes for social distancing may apply.  Should you require additional services, depending upon the service, we may have to charge VAT for those services.

Preferencial rates available for high volume usage, or particular organisations with conditions - please enquire as to whether you meet these conditions and can get a better rate .













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