Protecting Data

On 25th May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) replaced the Data Protection Act 1998. dataprotect

The GDPR requires schools to identify the lawful basis for storing personal data and audit information we already hold.  It also introduces new individual rights relating to personal data, such as the right to erasure or the right to rectification. 

Due to this it is important that we keep comprehensive and up to date records on our students and their contact, medical and consent information.  This is particularly essential in times of an emergency or where a school wide message requires your attention. Please assist us by notifying us of any changes to the data we hold.  We ask you to make changes annually through a data checking exercise.

Listed below are all policies and procedures which directly relate to GDPR.  Just click on the item you require to see for more information.

Data Protection Policy

Subject Access Request Policy (Procedure for receiving and responding to Subject Access Requests)

Data Breach Policy

Privacy Notice - Parents

Privacy Notice - Pupils

Privacy Notice - School Workforce

Privacy Notice - Recruitment

Relevent policies on the Documents page are:

E Safety Policy

Complaints Policy

Freedom of Information

Information Management Policy

The school's Data Protection Officer is Mr Metcalfe.

If you require any further information please contact the Data Protection Officer's Secretary, Mrs Emma Dean on 01925 634207.

If you require to make a Subject Access Request please submit this request by email to: subjectaccessrequests(@), removing the brackets.

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