If the answer is 'YES' your child will receive up to £95 worth of additional support via our voucher scheme.

New eligible parents must register before Christmas.  Register now to make sure your child and we don’t miss out!

If you are entitled to Income-Related Support from the criteria you will have access to our voucher scheme (up to £95) which could be spent on: Educational visits, Residential visits, Uniform, After-school Care or Holiday Care.

You may also be prioritised for: Food hampers for when your child cannot attend due to COVID isolation, Additional food supplies



  • First, check if you qualify – it is not just if you are unemployed, so please look at the list on the next page.
  • Registering is really quick and easy – if you think you qualify, contact our Live Chat, Mrs Hennessey here at the school on 01925 634207 (option 3) any morning or Warrington Borough Council on 01925 443322 who will help you to register.
  • If you want your child to have a free, healthy meal at lunchtime that’s great – they will get the free meal (saving you more than £350 a year), extra benefits and the school gets extra money.
  • No one will know you have registered and it will not affect any other benefits you are claiming. Please talk to us about registering your child today.



Your child may qualify if:

  • you meet the criteria below for those attending 30 hour nursery
  • you meet the criteria below for those in Year 1 & 2 (free school meals provided under Universal Free School Meals but will not get other benefits unless registered)
  • you meet the criteria below in Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 and your child will get free school meals (don’t have to take them!) and additional benefits

The criteria used may include:

  • Income Support
  • income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)

Children who get paid these benefits directly, instead of through a parent or guardian, can also get free school meals.

Your child may also get free school meals if you get any of these benefits and your child is both:

  • younger than the compulsory age for starting school
  • in full-time education

If your child is eligible for free school meals, they’ll remain eligible until they finish the phase of schooling (primary or secondary) they’re in on 31 March 2022.

Come and talk to us if you are not sure.



The voucher scheme provides those registered for income-related support (eligible for income-related in Nursery to Y2 or income-related Free School Meals entilement in Y3-Y6) access to a range of school benefits and opportunities.

We have run this scheme to provide a fair and consistent approach to supporting families who need income-related support to school initiatives.  Parents will know what they can get support for and how to receive it, without having to ask.  The scheme also enables parents to support the school’s policies and aims for all children to be successful in our vision.



 When must I have registered by?

You must have qualified by 31 December each year to qualify for our voucher scheme – but you can register anytime from 1 September. Qualification may roll over from the previous year in which case we will let you know.

How much will I receive in vouchers and when?

  • £75 is allocated at the beginning of each year (1 January or as soon as you qualify after 1 September).
  • £20 is school discretionary (determined by the school)

How long is the voucher valid?

 The voucher is valid up to the end of July of the same academic year.

How do I spend the vouchers?

You will receive a Voucher Card with:

1 x £15 voucher for uniform (school supplied only from school office)

2 x £5 voucher for educational visits (school organised)

1 x £30 voucher for residential visits (school organised)

1 x £20 voucher for After-school Care or Holiday Care (School’s Link Club)* * subject to places being available at time of booking

Keep the card together in one piece. When you want to make a payment for your child to participate in an activity or your want to purchase uniform bring the card with you.  Hand over your card to the school office and the relevant voucher will be stamped with school stamp. The school will keep a record of your payments by voucher.  If the activity/purchase is greater than the voucher you will need to pay the balance remaining.

What is the School Discretionary amount?

The school discretionary amount is for the school to decide whether this value should be used for a specific purpose.  It is NOT for parents to determine what and how much of School Discretionary amount may be spent.

Generally it would be used for:  Specialist Music Tuition from specialist school commissioned staff, Access to sport incl specialist equipment/clothing, Access to a club/activity outside school incl specialist equipment/clothing, Technology solutions where parents have informed school that they have internet enabled devices that need peripherals e.g. keyboard and mouse for Xbox to support online learning. The school may decide to use this against the Chrome Book Loan Scheme whereby no approriate** internet-enable device is accessible and no alternative arranagements may be provided by the school.  (**approriate is soley determined by the school).

Note that the school can determine on an individual basis the amount up to £20 e.g. may be £5, £10 etc for contribution to be used as a School Discretionary amount.

What if I am paying less than the voucher or want a refund?

You need to choose whether to use the voucher. We do not offer any change of any amount against unpaid parts of a voucher, e,g. we will not give you £2 change for uniform purchase of £18 against a £20 Uniform Voucher.  If you have made a payment by voucher and the school has decided to make a refund you will receive the refund in the form of a voucher.

How will I know how much is left?

Each time you use a voucher we will amend your statement. To access your statement you need to request it via Live Chat or ring Option 3 in mornings.  You will also have the voucher card and see what has been stamped.

Who can I contact for more information or if I have a question?

You can contact our admin team via Live Chat or the Voucher Administrator (Mrs Hennessey) in the school office, available every morning.

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